take all of me:

Call me crazy,
Call me mad.
Call me whatever,
I don't really care
This is my paradise,
this is my voice
And if you're kind,
don't deprive me of my choice
I need to express,
so please don't make me suppress
There's always this little red cross
at the top of your screen
Do feel free to click it if you think I'm mean
Because honestly, this is me
And I am free
To do whatever I wish! :D

You were warned.. :P



foo hou
hsieh wen
jian quan
jun yuan
lim xinyi
say yin
say wee
sze hui
sze min
teo xinyi
ting hui
wan xing
yeow boon
yuan jun
yuen man
yuen ping
yun xuan
zhi ming
zhi wen
zi keng
602 04'
MSHS hu dept
NYJC student council

Monday, January 30, 2006
sry... tt i didn write ytd.. i was busy workin.. yea.. workin.. tough life.. LOL
well, u gotta admit the pay rate's quite gd.. 4 wrds per $2 minimum or $50 maximum
tirin job.. haha.. jus jk.. i was busy visitin my relatives.. or we call it "bai nian"
vry busy.. but 4 the sake of the hongbao.. i got no choice.. xD
got abt.. er.. 23?
ya.. 23 hongbaos.. so little.. lol
well, we visited lesser ppl this yr.. so it can b considered little.. hahas
the amt of $$$ we had..
er.. i think was $278.. ya abt dere.. dunno y my frenz say a lot.. is it rilly a lot???
i dun rilly agree.. 200+ only wat..
anw, had quite a lot of fun ytd oso.. played er.. i think was Marvel vs Capcom 2
shld b.. got thrashed at the beginning.. (expected..)
but.. den i trained slowly.. n slowly.. my skill became better.. den I started thrashin ppl.. (expected..)
well.. mayb cuz we banned the use of "cable" n "cyclops" the two super strong ones.. hahas..
cant rilly rmb.. but i was usin spiderman.. yup.. spiderman
well, he's fast n he's the most agile of all the characters.. shld b.. n oso "sonson"
or.. we kw him as "sun wu kong", the monkey god.. he rox.. dunno y all my cousins say he suck..
anw, it was a fun day.. n i enjoyed it.. espcially the countin of my income.. hehe.. $$$

{you are my light}
Friday, January 27, 2006
2day is the performance of my sch.. finally... waited so long 4 this day.. after 2day.. dere will b freedom!! Yes!!! i can smell the fresh air.. but..
a prob came up.. jus a slight prob.. er.. i didn hav the uniform.. haha.. i guess? stupid me.. well, thankfully.. my senior had spare long black pants..
lucky me.. :) so lucky.. 2day.. haha
den i noticed tt everybody had black leather shoes EXCEPT me.. oops.. haha.. i guess? stupid me.. this time i wun survive.. nobody brings extra shoes.. n besides, my shoe size is 11.. too big 4 any normal being.. hahaz xD
no choice.. :(
den the senior placed me at the corner near the end...haha.. lucky me.. lol
no1 will b able 2 c my white shoes now.. haha xD
den co is the last 2 perform.. haha xP
dun nd 2 sit in the hall liao.. n i wun get a leg cramp liao like i usually do.. n i oso can slack.. another bonus!!! LUCKY...
anw, the performance was like.. erm.. ok? well.. i played quite a lot of wrong notes.. jus a few la.. actually.. 30 notes? i cant rmb.. too nervous.. n the stage was like super small.. n the coat was like killin me.. so stuffy.. anw, i think overall.. it was quite gd.. hahas.. tts wat my senior say..
dunno wat it means.. is my luck gd? or my skill? not sure.. anw, 2day was quite gd.. happy cny

{you are my light}
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
ok.. im sry as i didn write my blog.. was jus too busy.. my cca is drivin me mad.. had cca the whole wk!!! waf a life... :(
anw, wat happened ytd? hmmm.. aiyo.. cant rmb.. my head is only filled wif co. sad... :'( rilly sad...
anw, 2day i think the lessons were still ok.. but wat made me fed up is the maths lesson.. the crzy maths teacher consfiscated the "i not stupid 2" comic book.. the 1 my mom let me read.. die.. cuz my classmate placed it on the table.. n the teacher said NO other stuff except maths on the table.. so she took it.. i didn rilly notice whether he was readin it or not.. 4got.. got stm.. anw, she made me vry furious n slightly nervous.. "how? wat 2 do? i needed 2 get the book back.. ahhh!"
so... i discussed wif my frenz how 2 get the book.. den,
the crzy teacher caught me tokin!!! stupid teacher..
how suay can i get??? :'(
so.. had no choice.. had 2 stand 4 the whole lesson.. sad la.. i felt like killing the teacher.. ahhhh!!! so..
i had no choice.. i had..
had 2...
act innocent.. the only way 2 make me sit down faster.. but the stupid teacher seems 2 b blind.. cant c my cute face.. stupid teacher.. who in the world could resist my actin innocent face?!? NOBODY!!! LOL xD..
ok im jus jk..
but the teacher didn even seem 2 care abt me.. like i was invisible..
stupid teacher.. first take the book.. den make me stand.. arrrggh!!!
den.. after the lesson was gg 2 finish.. the teacher suddenly jus noticed me standin.. wow!!! a miracle.. den she asked me 2 sit down.. stupid teacher.. might as well make me stand the whole lesson.. haix.. well at least i didn hav 2 stay back.. :)
n i had 2 get back the book no matter wat.. so.. i had 2 lie.. sry mom.. i suddenly came up wif this brillant idea by sayin tt the book was jack neo's
tt way.. she HAD 2 return.. lol.. im too smart.. haha
n u kw wat.. she fell 4 it.. idiot!! lol.. anw, thnx guys.. u guys hlped me a lot.. thnx.. den the rest of the day.. i was havin rehearsal 4 fri performance.. sian.. :(
tts my day.. borin as usual..

{you are my light}
Monday, January 23, 2006
2day is another er... u kw.. its everywhere in my blog..
i cant take it anymore... the stupid cca of mine is drivin me crzy.. ahhh!!! dere was supposed 2 b a cca rehearsal.. but the co teacher 4got 2day got badminton sch competition.. hence, the whole hall was used.. we didn even rehearse.. stupid cca :(
i think they shld change the name of my cca in2 "the time wasting club"
LOL xD.. sounds more approprate.. hahas..
im dreadin tmr.. still muz stay back.. tmr is even worse.. got cca until 6pm.. man, my cca rilly sux.. hai.. wad a life.. :'(
(i wun cry...)

{you are my light}
Sunday, January 22, 2006
2day is a another borin day.. as usual.. got drum lesson.. den.. er.. went home..
den i saw another pair of shoes outside the door.. aiyo.. who else can it b??? tat rachel.. destroyin my privacy every sunday.. sad.. den i went in2 the hse n i saw my mom lookin like she jus smelt my dad's socks.. LOL xD
sry mom.. jus jk.. hahas.. anw, she told me 2 entertain the 2 9yr old gals sittin in my room actin innocent.. aiyo.. she sounded so happy... sabo me.. i jus got home.. n hai.. sad.. :(
haven even bathed yet..
no choice.. in a vry polite manner.. i asked them wat they wanted 2 do.. den my mom say play cluedo.. since rachel didn kw how 2 play.. i had 2 teach her.. tts how my mom got away scott-free.. hai:(
wat a life...
so.. it satrted quite well den rachel said borin.. as usual.. her life is so borin.. lol.. n vanessa.. dun u ever let her c this.. or i will KILL u.. k???
anw, since she bored.. i oso bored.. tok 2 say yin la.. no choice.. lol
den it started.. a WWE match.. we started 2 fite over the keyboard.. man, tts unfair.. 2 9yr old gals VS a 14 yr old boy.. 9+9=18..
18 is bigger den 14.. so unfair.. sad.. the cruel match went on.. mins.. den hrs den.. days.. HAHA.. nt tt long.. abt 1 hr.. i think.. well
the match ended near dinner time.. where vanessa went back cryin n rachel wen home in defeat.. LOL.. hahas.. i emerge victorious.. YES!!! hahas
anw, jus jk.. dunno y tt crzy van cried.. cant rmb.. got stm.. nt worth rmberin.. lol anw, tts my day.. quite plain.. sry.. try 2 write better nxt time

{you are my light}
Saturday, January 21, 2006
ok.. 2day is quite a borin day.. as usual.. service.. co pract.. n nth else.. n say yin.. i dun feel like addin any more songs by simple plan.. sry.. im a BIT sick of SP.. i listen 2 other bands first..

{you are my light}
Friday, January 20, 2006
2day is a.. quite an unlucky day.. the morning was haix... only 1 wrd 2 describe.. "BORING"
the lessons were like super boring.. n the D&T lesson even worse.. tt Mr.Lim... so boring.. his lessons like lullaby songs.. so tempting.. felt like sleepin.. didn kw how i held on.. a miracle if u ask me.. LOL xD..
hope he doesn't c this.. hahas.. later if he got blog..
Oops! hahas xP..
anw, the real adventure began wen cca finished.. LOL.. i actually 4got 2 bring my tuition hmk.. Oops! Die...
so... no choice.. so.. wat i needed was... a LOT of luck.. n really a lot.. the first time i 4got 2 bring hmk 2 tuition.. sad...
den i rmbered..
sum1 who culd hlp me.. sum1 wif a lot of luck.. thnx :)
n oso thnx 4 remindin me say yin.. well.. the teacher seemed 2 b in a gd mood.. she let me off wif a warning only.. hahas xD
so lucky.. thnx..
now i got a LOT of hmk.. haix.. nxt wk is cny.. tts y.. :(
got performance oso.. sad.. nxt wk got co pract every day.. so sian.. :'(
well.. after nxt wk.. it will b slightly better.. since cny finish :)

{you are my light}
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
2day is... a.. hmmm.. quite a normal day.. hahas
everyday is a normal day.. LOL.. anw, 2day.. had P.E in the morn den wen joggin 2.4km.. guess im out of form 2day.. ran so slow.. slower den tortoise.. hahaz xD
anw, lucky u say yin... who ask u nt 2 read my blog?
lol.. jk.. anw, BORED as usual.. n say yin, can ask ur fren.. ona, i think.. 4got 2 dun run so fast wen we meet.. giv me chance
hahas xP

{you are my light}
Monday, January 16, 2006
4got my blog existed.. hahas.. nice skin.. er... i mean skins.. 117 n electronic fun.. LOL xD
u guys ah... no hope ah.. gays oso nt tt serious.. xP
haha.. chill man.. jk la.. relac.. lol
sry i didn write my blog 4 so long... bet u guys didn expect me 2 write.. so.. i didn.. no feelin.. LOL
nd inspiration
hahas... anw, 2day.. hmmm.. wat happened? let's see... oh! nothing!
ok.. chill.. borin day as usual.. got a shock in the morn wen teacher said wanted 2 check fingernails.. scared me half 2 death.. say yin.. rmb 2 cut them.. hahas.. nth special happened besides hao qi gettin scolded in front of the whole sch..which is so.. HAHAHAHAHA
stupid idiot! anw, changed my skin n sry i troubled u.. sis.. n i HAV a snse of urgency, k!

{you are my light}
Monday, January 09, 2006
sry i didn write ytd's entry... didn hav time.. rilly sry
2day a jus a another "boring" day as usual... lol
well, at least tmr is a public holi.. hahas
can slack.. haha
2day is rilly a borin day.. cant think of anythin 2 write.. sry

{you are my light}
Saturday, January 07, 2006
2day is the performance of the sec 1 orientation camp( finally... )
lol.. Well, it went quite smoothly.. jus tat the air-con was freezin.. Brr.. imagine sittin in a air-con rm 4 3 hrs?!? wow! super cold...
but wat really shocked me is tat the conductor suddenly asked us 2 play other songs i dun even kw.. i guess the songs we were supposed 2 play were too little.. i had no choice but 2 pretend 2 play.. hahas :D
i rock at this job.. lol
i think the morn was quite ok.. den went bowlin at.. er.. i cant remember the place.. got stm.. sry.. anw, guess who won? (drums rolling...)
me!(yeah rite...) i lost terribly.. :(
my arm aches like mad now.. my arms r even achin wen typing.. ouch! my cuz thrashed me flat.. she still say she noob... hahaz
she doesn't kw the meanin of the word.. lol
well, 2day is a gd day... (besides my arm achin.. i guess) i will b seeing more juniors next wk durin co. haha.. Finally! it's my turn 2 bully junior!( evil sinister laughter) haha.. finally im no longer a junior.. lol

{you are my light}
Friday, January 06, 2006
2day is the last day of the first wk.. does anyone hav a time stopping machine 2 spare me?
time really flies... :(
really sad... 2day oso got co. rehearsal.. sianz.. hai.. hope tat 2morrow can drag more sec 1's..
den my efforts will not go 2 waste..

{you are my light}
Thursday, January 05, 2006
2day is a oso quite an average day... not too borin nor interesting but it kinda stunk cuz dere was co. :( sad... gonna perform soon.. on sat..
my senior said tat this yr muz drag more sec 1's.. i pity tose sec 1's joinin this yr.. wonder how they survive.. lol.. Well, nth much really happened 2day.. pity.. guess the only thing lookin forward is gg bowlin wif trish n co.
prepare 4 some thrashing! (evil laughter)

{you are my light}
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
2day is the 2nd day of sch... so fast... anw, 2day we were choosing the members of the class committee... through a voting system... well, we wanted 2 sabo shiva... but haix...Y shiva?Y? y do this do us? the class needs u....
jk la... relax :) anw, only one word can desribe 2day... tat is "boring"... lol
nth much really happened... besides hao qi being chosen as chairman.. i dun think dere's anything more interesting den tat already... sad :( well, im lookin forward 2 the bowlin session on sat wif trish n co.
time 2 do some thrashin again... (evil laughter)

{you are my light}
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
2day is the first day of sch.. :) so exciting... (as if.. )
well, at least i didn go in2 the wrong class like last yr.. lol
but wat really killed my mood is tat dere was co... :(
stupid cca.. ( curses n swears )
well, saw tat stupid hao qi... showing off his stupid er hu (as usual)
lucky he doesn't hav a blog... (i hope so... or im dead) lol
anw, our form teachr mr.chua talked a lot of crap den released us 2 go 2 the shaw hall... die.. gonna hav 2 sit 4 another 1 hr 2 listen 2 the principal tok some more crap.. haix.. sianz..
well, at least i can go off early :)
oh! wait! damn it! i still got cca... NOOOOOOOOO!!! :'(
life can b unfair sometimes... sniff*
after 1 hr.... the prinicipal finally allowed us 2 leave... Yay! :)
at least i got 4 more hrs b4 co starts... still got time 2 go hme n slp...
but den shiva needed 2 fall in... so we wait.. poor shiva.. dunno y he join NCC...
after waitin 4 abt.. 20, no, 30 mins.. he was free at last... but couldn camp..
:( well, no choice.. jus go hme den...
wen reach hme.. bathed.. changed.. n off i go.. :(
den wen reach dere.. my senior say co cancelled.. wat the?!? waste of time... stupid cca.. anw, at least can save 4 hrs of my precious time :-)
Den, trish finally replied me.. took her 1 day 2 reply.. not bad.. hahas
jk la... relax.. :)
overall, i would say tat 2day is quite a lucky day.. thnx sis 4 givin gd luck again...

{you are my light}
Monday, January 02, 2006
2day is the last day of sch holidays... so fast.. :(
how time really flies... :-( haix.. Anyway, 2day went bowlin n dragged my godsisters too.. lol
we played 2 games n guess who won? (drums rolling...)
Me! of course!... hahas.. :-)ok.. i juz being lame... i had fun 2day although it was abnormally quiet... so unlike them.. n i guess i nd more trainin as almost all my shots went into longkang thnx 2 the bumper.. (whew!) guess i too long nvr play liao... n at least the both of them became normal wen playin the miniature soccer.. hahas.. :-) jk la.. relax..
tmr gonna hav 2 wear sch uni.. sian.. make me look so nerdy.. haix.. den still got co tmr... which cca got start on the first day sch one !?! bloody cca...
well, anyway.. dere's no way 2 stop time.. so.. hmmm.. i wonder who's in the same class as me..
N 4 the first time i dreading tmr... :(

{you are my light}
Sunday, January 01, 2006
2day is a new yr! n 2 day is oso my grandmother's death day... :'(
well, anyway i wish everyone a happy new yr... sry... i too busy, didn hav much time 2 write.. sry

{you are my light}

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