take all of me:

Call me crazy,
Call me mad.
Call me whatever,
I don't really care
This is my paradise,
this is my voice
And if you're kind,
don't deprive me of my choice
I need to express,
so please don't make me suppress
There's always this little red cross
at the top of your screen
Do feel free to click it if you think I'm mean
Because honestly, this is me
And I am free
To do whatever I wish! :D

You were warned.. :P



foo hou
hsieh wen
jian quan
jun yuan
lim xinyi
say yin
say wee
sze hui
sze min
teo xinyi
ting hui
wan xing
yeow boon
yuan jun
yuen man
yuen ping
yun xuan
zhi ming
zhi wen
zi keng
602 04'
MSHS hu dept
NYJC student council

Monday, February 20, 2006
2day.. as usual.. BORING.. well, not too bad la.. actually.. it was quite gd..
lessons were quite fun.. (cant believe im sayin this..) anw, i onli can rmb the lit lesson where Mr.Lou told us abt the haiku(a kind of japanese poem)
n told us 2 write sum... muz b 5,7,5 sllyables(dunno how 2 spell la..)
4 example, the 1 he wrote,
Loneliness is the
Ripple of a falling stone
into the still water
yuppz.. this 1.. den charles wrote 1 oso.. so romantic..
Falling leaves from trees
Represents my broken heart
Like your face fading...
wahh so romantic!he always heartbroken 1 lar.. tt fellow.. sad.. lol
den er... had.. oh!ya! Peer tutoring.. haix.. the one tt kills my mood...
sianx... den the teacher walked up 2 me n den she said
" u sebastian, rite? i heard tt ur maths quite gd... den y u still join?"
hahas.. even teacher oso kw mii maths gd..(boastin as usual.. lol)
haix.. u tink i wan 2 join ar? nvm...i kw my maths weak.. so i will jia you! yeah! btw, i tink i changin skin soon liao... the screen too small.. makin the video.. diff 2 c..

{you are my light}
Friday, February 17, 2006
2day... hmms.. wad happened? okok.. i kw liao! had PE in the morn.. den went.. aiya.. the rest of the day so sian.. tinkin of it, makes me puke.. den had haiz, CO!!! (evil,sinster music) so bad lor.. co can rilly kill a person's mood.. haix.. sad life.. but all my seniors nt dere.. which means i can bully jr liao.. LOL.. but the day is still.. "BORING"... sianz..

{you are my light}
Sunday, February 12, 2006
2day, hmm.. quite a gd day.. let's start frm the beginning.. went swimmin in the morning.. hahas.. so long nvr swim liao.. pon tang so many times liao.. :) swimmin oso can pon tang.. lol.. no la.. jus too busy.. didn hav the time 2 go swimming since i always went 2 church.. ... ... let's fast forward.. ... ... ... "bzzzt.. bzzzt.."
ok.. in church liao.. wen 2 church.. worship.. den.. suddenly the worship leader asked us.. all tose who wanted 2.. wanted.. er.. die.. 4got wad he ask us liao.. but i knew it was sumting holy la! i saw en han n my dad wen up den so.. go up lor.. lol.. but seriously la.. it ws frm the bottom of my heart.. i felt the holy spirit callin me 2 go up.. den.. den.. it happened.. all of the sudden, my legs were feeble n jelly-like.. i culdn feel my legs.. den we were like all prayin n stuff.. n i saw the pastor prayin 4 sum ppl.. only SELECTED ones.. den i was like wishing in my heart tt he wuld pray 4 me.. ... ... i saw him walkin around.. den.. a familiar voice spoke.. "i wan 2 pray 4 u.." (its supposed 2 b in chinese.. i translated it..)
den i was like shocked... marvelous! the holy spirit.. the strength.. the power.. so strong.. den i cant rilly rmb wad he said.. too awe-struck.. but he was touchin my head n he said.. i tink at least.. "God! bless tis teenager frm young.. let him.. grow spiritally.. let him grow.. GROW!" i tink tts wad he said.. in chinese translated.. PRAISE THE LORD!!! 4 the first time.. my eyes were hurtin.. a sharp,stingin pain.. a pain tt made me.. feel like cryin.. i cant rilly explain.. but i jus cried.. in my head, i was only tinkin of jesus.. feelin the holy spirit flowing in2 my body.. so strong.. the lord works wonders.. den after tt everythin went back 2 normal.. let's fast forward.. ... ... "bzzzt.. bzzzt.."
ok, co performance.. rehearsal was.. as usual.. "BORING" .. den performance at RC.. (until now i still hav no idea wad is RC, so dun ask me..) went quite well.. its jus tt it was TOO hot.. anw, i tink tts abt it.. ya.. shld b.. besides, seein a car catchin fire along my way home.. yeah.. i tink tts abt it.. nth special.. but the morn ROX!!! thank u, jesus..

{you are my light}
Friday, February 10, 2006
2day is a quite a gd day... i tink.. since i can pon cca.. xD
2day had an excursion oso called "learnin journey".. we went 2... die.. 4got where liao... i tink it was bukit.. bukit changka.. i tink Chandu.. sry.. i nt sure.. correct me if i wrong.. den we saw this introduction of the WWII.. durin the japanese occuption n the sunds were like "bang","boom".. all tose crzy sunds.. so sad.. n noisy.. anw, after tt we went 2 Kranji Memorial.. saw a lot of brave heroes died 4 the glory of the defendin singapore.. (a moment of silence...) hahas.. xD
but rilly vry sad lor.. seein all the heroes dyin jus 2 defend ur country.. soldiers frm different countries.. vry sad.. :(
so i muz defend our country wif pride n honour wen i grow up durin NS.. c.. i so brve!!!
den we went back tt time.. the bus had an accident lor!!! so cool.. hahas.. my heart was like beatin like crzy n a cold chill went down my spine.. den 4got wat happened liao.. all i kw tt blood was all around n screams n screeches were heard..hahas.. so fake.. jk la.. the bus jus had a bad bump on the kurb.. den the safety bar of the bus jus fell off.. LOL
Yes! we can slack again.. hahas.. shiva was like beamin since he culd miss cca.. haha.. noty shiva.. anw, the mood was gone.. cuz i had tution.. :'(
life IS unfair.. lol.. anw, quite a gd day.. hahas..

{you are my light}
Saturday, February 04, 2006
2day is a SUPER long day cuz i went 2 the chingay performance held at orchard.. started at 9pm.. ended at abt 11.. so late.. the performance was quite borin.. frankly speakin.. but overall, it was quite nice.. n tt braggart kept on sayin tt her sch performin.. so? big deal.. but its QUITE nice.. Nan Hua High sch's performance.. got sum standard.. lol
anw, i oso like the flags n the storm.. vry nice
the flag performers were like spinnin the gigantic flags n throwin them around like pingpong balls.. makin it feel so light.. n the storm had 3 big platforms.. all covered up den they had curtains 2 open the different platforms den u could c the drummers whackin drums.. fryin pans.. car license plates.. all kinds of crazy stuff n the water drums which will explode in water wen hit.. so cool.. but the grand finale was the 500 performers finale.. the had thousands of dragons n 1 super big 1 on the platform.. the biggest n the platform was like 7m above grund lvl.. so high.. pro.. vry beautiful.. gd performance.. n no wonder u said had 2 watch, sis.. tmr watchin "i not stupid 2".. wif godsisters.. godmother.. frenz.. family.. a lot of ppl.. hope they wun b so quiet.. givin me unwanted pressure.. lol

{you are my light}
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
feb liao.. so fast.. anw, 2day was quite a gd day.. cuz Mr.Kwok n Mrs.Chee both absent..
NO Mr.Kwok n Mrs.Chee = FREE 3 periods
haha.. pro.. wat a surprise.. anw, gd 4 us.. wat a lucky way 2 start the day.. LOL
the free periods were astonishin boring.. no idea y.. anw, the only entertainment we got was only hao qi gettin bullied by the other students while he was sleepin.. LOL idiot.. the moral of the story was NEVER sleep in class.. haha
i think they were drawin on his shirt or sumthin.. er.. was it his shirt? i cant rmb.. anw, it was like super funny.. cuz he was snoozin away like a pig.. haha.. den the teacher was like askin him 2 clean his shirt.. lol u shld hav seen the look on his face.. xD
idiot.. anw, the mood changed wen i saw the nxt period.. which turned out 2 b MATHS.. crap.. tt lesson killed my mood.. totally.. hate her face.. den the minute she stepped in.. she said in her usual soft but evil voice " i see rubbish all around.. "
madness. dere isn a single piece of rubbish lor.. she's mad.. hai.. wat happened next is truely, purely, totally EVIL
dun feel like writin it.. sry.. but at least we can slack again wen the nurses told our class 2 go down n check our eyesight.. haha..
only tose wearin specs can go.. LOL.. slackin time.. too bad shiva.. slacked the last lesson.. pity.. tt lesson shld hav been maths.. sad la..
anw, after tt we went 2 shiva's hse n did our project.. we stopped at say yin's hse since he needed 2 get his stuff 4 tuition.. we didn wan 2 go in at first cuz there were a lot of ppl dere.. no face.. but after his grandma's pleas n tears.. hai.. we jus went in.. no choice.. LOL xD
den we oso got a hongbao.. WOW!!! wat a lucky day.. so unexpected.. anw, went shiva's hse.. did the "project" den xbox.. den HOME..
gd day.. slacked a lot.. LOL

{you are my light}

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