take all of me:

Call me crazy,
Call me mad.
Call me whatever,
I don't really care
This is my paradise,
this is my voice
And if you're kind,
don't deprive me of my choice
I need to express,
so please don't make me suppress
There's always this little red cross
at the top of your screen
Do feel free to click it if you think I'm mean
Because honestly, this is me
And I am free
To do whatever I wish! :D

You were warned.. :P



foo hou
hsieh wen
jian quan
jun yuan
lim xinyi
say yin
say wee
sze hui
sze min
teo xinyi
ting hui
wan xing
yeow boon
yuan jun
yuen man
yuen ping
yun xuan
zhi ming
zhi wen
zi keng
602 04'
MSHS hu dept
NYJC student council

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
YEAH!!! end of hell!!!HAHAHAHA. freedom is so swit.. muahaha. cant stop laughing sia.. the best part is dat i've got 6 days of holidays man!!! YEA...
coz tmr is home econ.. im not in it.. fri is public holi.. mon onli sec 3& 4's got exam n tues is marking day.. :)
6 daes.. shiok! but 2dae dun tink i did vry well 4 lit.. coz kept sneezing.. the bloody teacher lor.. her perfume smellier dan a pile of rubbish lor.. so smelly.. den my nose vry sensitive.. 4 1 and a half hrs i was sneezin non-stop sia.. haix.. but nvm.. the paper was EASY.. since its n open bk paper.. :) how hard culd it be?
HAHAHA. but den got ppl cheat lor.. go write notes in the bks.. haha. teacher found out. NOOBS!!
duno how 2 cheat la.. unlyk me.. =X...
anw, im glad all tis sufferin is ova, n i can finally R & R.. shiok..

{you are my light}
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
wow.. its been ages since i wrote my blog.. thnx to the exams n stuff.. nt much time to write..
guess i'll onli write the interesting parts of my life although it's still boring.. :
12th April
2dae is NAPFA test.. the 5-item test.. haix.. sian.. well, didn do s well s expected.. well, at least i wun fail.. haha. i still cant believe my shuttlerun was so slow.. 10.8 sec!!! Super slow sia.. wad a disgrace man.. i cant believe it.. n my sit & reach.. for 3 years, i still hav the same measurements.. 36cm.. some times i wonder y cant my hand grow longer.. next time muz cheat liao.. by nt stretchin ur hand fully wen asked 2 in the beginnin.. makin the metal part nearer 2 u.. haha. den sure can get 40+cm wifout any prob.. haix.. will do better nxt yr i hope..
15th April
Happy bdae shiva!! haha. so lucky.. ur bdae between easter n gd friday.. haix.. unlyk me... anw, happy bdae! Got u a billabong pencil case. $20 hor.. may b cheap 2 u but its nt 2 us.. even though still shared cost wif say yin.. :'( Anw, ur bdae party was fun.. even though got thrashed in halo s usual.. still enjoyed it. haha.
21th April
Another sports event.. X country tis time.. haha. Can sae i did vry, vry badly.. haix.. i din even get such a low position b4 lor.. duno wad came ova me.. haix.. i still rmb, startin a lot of ppl pushin here n dere lyk no tmr.. den make me sprain my leg.. idoits la! startin run so fast den in the end? still will lag behind wad.. den shld let the faster ones go 1st rite? wa lao.. hai wo.. den was slightly wet.. so haix. results wasnt gd 4 me.. ran damn slow.. leg damn pain.. arrgghh! well, at least still got top 50 la.. still got sum glory.. :'( cant believe Y.M got 15th n monk got 9th.. cannot.. muz train ready.. cant lose 2 those noobs.. haix.. wad a bad day.. btw, happy bdae dad! sry ah.. present so lousy.. =X
28th April
Another sports event,haix.. 3 wks straight sia.. dun even hav time to rest lor.. haix. 2dae is Sports Day.. haha. muz try 2 at least get 1 trophy man.. cant lose 2 dat idiot frm last yr.. came in 1st den i 2nd.. well, i feel so embarrassed rite now.. haix.. but in the end.. still no trophy.. :'(
cant believe it man! so suay 1 lor.. the whole month im so unlucky.. 1st event was 400m.. i told myself 2 get ready.. as im gg 2 beat dat idiot.. "BANG!" the sund of the starting gun rang out loud.. i pushed myself off the grd.. forcin my legs 2 go faster evry wif passin sec.. ARRGGHH! ran lyk duno wad.. culd hear the cheerin, screamin of the crowd in the stadium.. bcoz of dat.. i pushed myself even harder.. but den, DAMN! 4got it was 400m and nt 100m.. suddenly i felt a throbbin pain in my chest.. leg started 2 lose its power.. my breathin rate became slower.. den wads worse was dat.. dat idiot frm last yr was catchin up.. ... i knew i had lost.. breathin now seemed impossible.. jus felt lyk givin up n walkin.. ... but i had to go on.. i had to.. ARRGGHH! i forced my legs once more.. tis time i made my steps bigger.. it seemed to b workin.. i was gettin nearer 2 the finishin line.. now its jus a matter of 10m.. jus a little more.. ...
CRAP!!! my leg... i spread it too big.. ... oh.. damn.. my whole vision started to get blur.. WHAM!! fell down hard onto the solid grd.. scraped my arm.. leavin it to bleed.. dats it.. i tot 2 myself.. now cant even get silver.. life is unfair.. well, i got up n continued, gettin 4th in position.. .. i culdn even stand properly.. legs were so damn wobbly.. culdn catch my breath, jus felt lyk dying.. .. oh.. die.. still got 100m.. OMG! im dead.. plus my injured arm.. haix.. i hav failed.. again... dat day was plain crappy.. it will continue to haunt my life 4eva..
4th May
YA man.. 4th May.. the ultimate holi 4 me.. HAHAHA. yup. my bdae.. haha
finally 14.. now shiva cant call me small boy.. im oso 14 now.. lol.
but it sorta killed my mood wen i realized it was science exam.. wa.. i hate science.. haix.. n i knew im gonna flunk it.. n true enuff.. i DID.
DAMN.. left out at least 10 questions man.. chem is lyk impossible 2 study n bio.. wa, dat sux too.. y cant we hav a simpler body? and not hav so many complicated systems.. haix.. damn, wads worse is i 4got my calculator.. oh.. wad a happy birthday.. ... FAIL..
haix.. got a big fat scoldin frm dad.. den blah blah blah.. i din feel happy at all on dat day.... felt worse dan ever.. din kw y.. tmr is onli art n my dad cant even let me rest 4 1 dae lor.. kip askin me 2 do hmk.. i cant take it.. i jus cant.. i cried.. so embarrassin.. but it din last cuz parents suddenly became smart let me use comp.. :) n oso gav me hongbao 4 bdae present.. HAHAHA. $90 sia.. not too little n not too much.. haha. nt bad la.. $$$ solves evryting.. =X n thnx to all those who gav me bdae presnts.. ty. i will giv u guys 1 oso wen its ur bdae.. :)

{you are my light}

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