take all of me:

Call me crazy,
Call me mad.
Call me whatever,
I don't really care
This is my paradise,
this is my voice
And if you're kind,
don't deprive me of my choice
I need to express,
so please don't make me suppress
There's always this little red cross
at the top of your screen
Do feel free to click it if you think I'm mean
Because honestly, this is me
And I am free
To do whatever I wish! :D

You were warned.. :P



foo hou
hsieh wen
jian quan
jun yuan
lim xinyi
say yin
say wee
sze hui
sze min
teo xinyi
ting hui
wan xing
yeow boon
yuan jun
yuen man
yuen ping
yun xuan
zhi ming
zhi wen
zi keng
602 04'
MSHS hu dept
NYJC student council

Thursday, August 31, 2006
wa, 2dae rain again.. haiz.. the rain is biased..
anw, ytd was the final exam paper. YAY! finally over sia.. den ytd almost the whole class went to plae lan lor.. so funny. it looks like a gang fite. :D
anw, ytd's weather was HORRIBLE!!!! The rain was crazy.. it flooded the whole paya lebar road...den we all run.. abt 400 m frm the mrt station to the lan shop n it was plain hell.. i actually ran inside a drain!!! kao.. the water was soooo thick til i culd nt even c the drain in front of me den i jus ran straight in2 it.. den got my bag, books, uni.. all wet!!! damn..
even got myself injured and bleeding.. well, culd hav been worse.. luckily, the thick water made the fall almost painless.. haha.
yes.. the water was THAT THICK..
anw, hack la.. wet den wet lor.. still went 2 plae lan. haha. 3 hrs of hardcore DOTA man! lol
got owned.. owned..
quite a balanced game we all had..
but went back.. i felt a bit dizzy and a bit cold.. the stupid weather..
den 2dae was the last day and oso the celebration of teacher's dae. den we ate muthubak which is a different version of roti prata.. haha. den stupid zheng jie nvr take fork n spoon.. den we had 2 use our hands!!! damn indian-like sia..
haha. den got the "cool" marist competition where evry class sends a representitive n go on stage n do fashion show n b like models tat kind.
so lame la.. wastin time... zzzzz.. but okay la.. the teachers called up to dance was still quite humorous and at least i wasnt tat bored during tat period.. den.. ACER'S day walk was CANCELLED!! yay.. means can b released earlier.. haha. lucky.. rain can b gd at times...
den.. plae lan again! haha.. den went home to rot n die.. haix.. tis holiday week will b vry fast.. n hmk will increase like mad.. haix.. life's tough

{you are my light}
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
yay! i got gold 4 NAPFA!! no nid re-test tmr le! x) so happy!
wa, 2dae's paper nt s easy s i tot it wuld b.. jus hope i wont fail it... den tmr is the last paper liao!! final 1, den after tat can go plae endless hours of dota! yay!!! but den.. the stupid teachers of maris stella go giv us a hell lot of hmk.. makin the holidays practically useless.. mus do lit, geo, eng and home econ.. kao.. so sian.. giv us so many projects.. den threaten us wif marks.. the standard 1 lor..
"marks will be deducted if not handed in on time."
--- quoted by the fairy godmother
ERP i die liao.. i haven even read a single book sia.. den must pass up 8 books.. so crzy la.. i where got the stamina 2 read 8 books?!?
haix.. sian..
nxt term will b even faster den tis term.. :'(

{you are my light}
Friday, August 25, 2006
Hi. I kw i said i wouldn't post til exam over but.. i just too sianz la.. n since i can use com 4 a while.. i mite as well blog la.. haha.
2day was geo paper.. n.. i tink i failed liao.. it wasnt tat well done.. tat stupid joanna lee.. make us highlight all the "important" points in the notes.. den in the end.. all oso nvr come out.. sian la.. wasted all my time revising those topics.. stupid shit.. but nvm.. still got 3 more subjects... :(
den.. 2dae we oso went 2 cook! yay!! finally can cook liao..
den we cook mee goreng sia! ya man! we got FULL marks!!! woots! xD
i cant believe it la.. say yin cook til so rambo.. jus ram evryting inside.. den 4got salt.. 4got curry leaves.. and 4get chilli.. den his nails so long.. liew mui yin nvr catch him.. he damn tyko sia..
anw, i was like sloggin my guts out la.. say yin ar.. u tink washin the sink vry easy ar? nxt time u wash den i cook la.. den u cant go bs abt yer fabulous cookin liao.. haha
aiya.. i go play mahjong liao la.. play wif joshua.. haha.. duno y but he went 2 my hse 2day.. haha. xD

{you are my light}
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
HI. couldn't blog ytd.. and today will be my last entry til nxt thurs wen my ct is over.. time to mug.. sian la..
anw, ytd. Russel Lee came to our sch sia! haha. the guy hu wrote the "singapore true ghost stories" series. haha
he damn joker lor.. he actually wore a black mask wif black gloves wif a black coat and a black hat.. he retarded la.. wear til like tat.. amazing he didnt burn to death.. it looks so stuffy inside.. den he oso kip sayin "boys and girls"
damn him la! he all boys sch le.. retarded fella.. den still say wad tell us a secret.. which is tat ppl get duller after watchin more television.. i was like... ------ .------ "
of coz la.. den he l8r duno do wad la... so boring.. i only kw he tell us 1 story abt a swallow or sumting.. i wasnt payin much attention.. haix... den had 2 go 4 haircut.. cos my hair seriously too long liao.. will get cot sooner or l8r.. so after sch went 2 cut hair.. den duno y mayb i was too tired den i fell asleep wen the barber cutting my hair.. den after i woke up.. my hair was freakin short la!!! i look so retard! kao.. stupid barber.. wa, luckily i asked to stop cutting my frinch.. if not, i sure become botak 1.. haix.. nvm la..
den 2dae PE sux.. at 1st he ask all those hu fail NAPFA stand up den go re-test.. i nvr kana.. den all my frens kana.. den i sian liao... den DK go tok to us.. haha. he den asked all of us to turn ard.. he wen 2 check the back n the frinch of evry person.. tyko sia.. lucky i cut ytd.. if nt 2dae DK sure catch me 1. heng ar.. den got 1 retard person go pierce his ear den DK ask him 2 take out den he cant take out.. sucker.. his stud was stuck to his ear. haha xD
c la.. pierce ear.. stupid.. piercin ear in boys sch is like so obvious lor.. den paul leong come go check attire.. den bz catchin those shirt nvr tucked in.. den waste so much time... haix.. in the end, PE nvr do anyting.. i didn even sweat.. so damn sian... but alex damn funny.. go n put his pants den high den say he is role model.. den evry1 go put their pants damn high.. den look like gay.. lol.. den all take pic! so funny.. even paul leong oso take pic sia..
jokerz of maris stella.. tis thurs is eng exam liao... haix.. y does time pass so fast? tis term is probably the shortest term la.. i bet nxt term will b even faster.. haix... sianz...

{you are my light}
Sunday, August 20, 2006
haix.. 2dae sian la.. church finish quite late 2day.. i oso hlped xinyi make her blog.. now so tired sia.. yawn.. tmr shld b better..

{you are my light}
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Hi. I can't believe it.. i actually slept at 8pm last nite... so stupid.
sleep until 3 den.. wake up. haix.. duno y im such a sleepy head.. wanted to post ytd.. but didnt hav the chance.
pity we nvr cook chicken curry ytd.. rite say yin? haha. den tat fat liu mui yin go say we nvr do the home econ test.. i was like wad the ****!!! i ready do lor... some more i took SO much time la.. cheong all 12 of them.. stupid liu mui yin.. no wonder she's still a MISS and not MRS.. nobody wants her wad.. haha.
den oso passed up my disgusting art work. It looks so stupid lor.. at 1st its ok 1. den i accidentally poured black on it.. den i faster ask my dad save me.. although he saved me but i look so damn dark la. den my neck is like orange.. haha. i look so weird.
Nvm la.. fail den fail la. i oso hack care art 1. ytd was oso 1st day of exam.. eng compo. i tink i oso fail liao.. i actually wrote 500+ words.. shiva even more zai.. wrote 1044 words!! pros will always b pros la.. but they say the more words u write, the chances of failing are higher.. so.. gd luck 2 u shiva.. haha :)

{you are my light}
Sunday, August 13, 2006
HI. Finally hav a new skin. haha
wa, blogs are so diff 2 make sia..
added videos, songs..
but i cant add any more links.. i dun get it..
man, tis is stupid.. y cant blogs b easier 2 make?
haix.. anw, nth much happened 2day.. jus toked 2 cher, mandy and jun wei in church 4 lyk.. how long?
3 hrs? we were like tokin abt BGR.. so sianz.. den i knew tt i mus nvr tell secrets to cher.. cuz her memory is super gd, which is damn scary.. now jun wei oso kw my secret.. haix.. nvm. i kw he wont sabo me..
den peng zhe go show me his fone.. wa, the "twist" fone sia.. im so envious.. wish i had a fone like his..
haix.. tat rich fella.. life is jus plain unfair at times...

{you are my light}
Friday, August 11, 2006
hi. 2day was quite a boring day as usual..CCA is like so sianz... hold wad farwell party 4 the sec 4s..... haix.. waste of time sia..
well, at least it finished earlier than normal days
after tat i went back home den i saw my mom lookin at the gv website n i knew instantly she wanted 2 watch a movie.. den since i oso wanted 2 watch instead of slackin at home.. i had 2 take action. i asked her wad show she wanted 2 watch.. den she said some R21 show.. wa lao.. i cant watch tat....
den i asked her if got any other shows.. den she like tinkin vry long den shook her head.. haix...
i suggested POC. but she ready watched it.
super ex girlfriend..
but oso watched...
nt much nice shows around i guess..
den i saw 'click'
i tot it wuld b a nice movie.. since the ad cot most of my attention s compared to other movies like 'macho libre'.. -.-" so stupid..
so i managed 2 physco her in2 watchin movie. YAY!
free movie.. haha xD
'click' is basically abt a guy named 'micheal newman' whose life is in a big mess and is havin problems with both his work and his family..
but then... one nite, he goes to a shoppin mall lookin for a remote control s he is havin some difficulty with all his remote controls in his house.and wants to get a 'universal remote'..
Then, he enters tis weird lab where tis retarted person named "morty" gives him a device tat allows him to fast forward, pause, or even back track to anytime he wans. which is so gay.. he is invincible.. haha. how i wish i had tat machine...
anw, he goes around abusin the item s any1 would do.. and bullyin the innocent ppl in the town.. haha.
but den the adventure only started wen he wanted to get a promotion so badly by his boss tat he fast forwarded it 1 yr later.. n hence, missin out on a lot of things. cos wen u fast forward, the 'real' you is in auto-pilot mode n is practically life-less.. so he is clueless abt wad happened 4 the past yr.. n worse still, the device somehow went in2 auto fast forward mode n transported him 10 yrs later.. which is a disaster as his kids r ready big n his wife has even re-married, leavin him alone..
but he gets even more angry n worse still, takes him in2 another 6 yrs later...where his dad is already gone and he is clueless abt evryting..
but the device transported him further..
i rily liked the last part where his son jus got married n cancelled his honeymoon wif his wife due to the his work, but michael den goes n stop him 2 tell him tat "work may b important, but family must always be first.." after tis, he dies.. due to his heart attack.. n i realised tat it is rather true.. the main aim of the movie is jus to tell us nt to waste time as time passes vry fast n to treasure wad we hav b4 we lose it..
anw, i loved the movie.. its so funny. haha.
wa, wrote so much liao.. =X. din kw i so tokative sia.. LOL
but still, my life is boring... haix..

{you are my light}
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
2day is national day! and ur country singapore is 41 yrs old! yay!
haha, din kw i loved my country tat much..-.-" anw, 2day i din rily do much... it was quite sian.. afternoon went shoppin wif mum in far east plaza.. den bot a pair of pants.. den eh.. saw tis shop where evryting was 41% discount. haha. so funny. same as singapore's age sia... anw, after tat i went 4 dinner in a japanese restaurant. haha eat til i damn fat sia.. haha
wah. 2dae so sianz sia.. nvm.. at least got no school tmr (:

{you are my light}
Monday, August 07, 2006
hi. haha. 2day is juz soooo sianz... s usual.. haix.
parents coming back from korea liao.. so crappy and so boring.. now muz b "guai" again.. (: after the national day holi period.. i doubt i will hav anymore freedom.. s exams are coming s well.. wa, DOUBLE sianz.. y does time pass soooo fast?!? i still can rmb the 1st day of sch like it was only ytd.. haix.. my freedom will b gone soon i guess.. well, at least tmr is national day. N i still hav wed n thurs 2 relax. xD
but after tat i muz cheong liao... >.<

{you are my light}
Saturday, August 05, 2006
wow... so damn long nvr write liao.. k la. i write la. for sum idiot....
lol. jk. anw, mus tink got wad stuff is worth writin
bsides fone stolen...
ipod gone...
parents gone to korea for a week..
nth much la. life still so sian.. haix.. exam oso comin up liao... time is merciless.. haix.. damn damn sian.. looks lyk i hav 2 revive my blog. its so dead.. mayb i change skin.......

{you are my light}

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