take all of me:

Call me crazy,
Call me mad.
Call me whatever,
I don't really care
This is my paradise,
this is my voice
And if you're kind,
don't deprive me of my choice
I need to express,
so please don't make me suppress
There's always this little red cross
at the top of your screen
Do feel free to click it if you think I'm mean
Because honestly, this is me
And I am free
To do whatever I wish! :D

You were warned.. :P



foo hou
hsieh wen
jian quan
jun yuan
lim xinyi
say yin
say wee
sze hui
sze min
teo xinyi
ting hui
wan xing
yeow boon
yuan jun
yuen man
yuen ping
yun xuan
zhi ming
zhi wen
zi keng
602 04'
MSHS hu dept
NYJC student council

Monday, September 25, 2006
wa.. 2day sucks man.. stupid dm.. wa lao
y so sway 1? y the hell mus DK check hair 2day?!?
i die liao lor..
my hair is too long.. i knew tis day was coming.. but.. i didnt expect it to b 2day.. arrghh.. so sianz..
den he go check evry class, evry boy in sch.. wa.. so sway.. now cant run liao.. sure get cot.. den say yin go tell me tis insane idea.. he say DK only catch those ppl with long side burns n no slope n oso long frinch.. so i purposely go make my hair like nerd tat kind. den i pull my collar down a bit. so my back seems ok. but.. i was wrong.. wen DK looked at me.. he seemed to hestitate a bit.. den he ask me turn around.. i kw i die liao.. so i jus bend my head a bit la.. c if i got sum hope. x)
but.. he smart enuff to pull my frinch.. he touched my hair!!! damn it la!
den go slap my arm sum more.. wa kao.. idiot..
i kw he jealous of my hair la.. but oso dun go n slap me rite? stupid idiot.. he expects evry1 in maris stella to cut his flat top hairstyle sia... so ugly la... wtf la!!
but nvm.. i still went to cut.. but i still feel tat my hair a bit long le.. =X

aiya, hack la!
i wun cut til nxt yr liao.. i dun care so much la.. hope my hair can survive 4 the nxt 50+ days b4 holidays..
lol.. i guess i better go back to mugging... x)

{you are my light}
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
hi! last day i will b blogging.. cus of the eoy exams coming up on the 4th oct.. i wan to score tis term. so i hav decided to mug like no tmr, jus tis period.. i vry guai 1. :)
n 4 those whu r vommiting blood now.. its real.. im a guai kia! :D
anw, i gtg to do my art exam liao.. i duno wad to draw sia.. so sian..
zzz.. exams all suck! n eoy holidays wun b any better since CO is gg to screw them up.. now all practices at nite sia.. so sianzzz..zz
haix.. anw,
bye :D

{you are my light}
Saturday, September 16, 2006
zzz.. im so bored.. n i dun feel like doing hmk.....
so i'll b random n i'll put my exam results for fun la..x)

my 1st term results..

results were like shit.. but duno y no science le.. hmmm.. nvm la.. n my maths!! got A!!! wow.. wad a miracle.. :D

2nd term.. i failed 4 subjects.. so i wun show it.. =X

last term..

wow.. even worse den 1st term.. my chinese de-proved.. eng de-proved.. maths oso de-proved.. but arts n science, i IMPROVED!!! :D n i got A1 for home econs?!? hahaha.. wad a joke.. some more top in class.. :D

so lame la.. i didn even cook anyting.. i was in charge of washing.. hehe.

well.. seeing my crappy results.. i tink i better go mug now.. mus score better for eoy which is like only a few weeks away... haiz... i must pass maths!!! :D

oh.. ya. i 4got.. replies to tags.

say yin--> wth, is u dare me lor.. anw, nxt time we go outside cedar buy ice-cream la.. more fun! haha.. i m sooo lame...

amanda-->yea, sis.. i agree wif u.. i goin to mug liao.. mus score well for eoy even though wif my laziness, its barely possible... =X. eoy holidays wan go out again?

bu ku si shen--> i kw la.. nvm 1 la.. i wun die.. :)

piggy--> update liao. n dun call me ah boii.. pls.. its disgusting..

priscilla--> i didn kw u had fur.. haha.

jian quan--> i tink i reply u in ur blog..

{you are my light}
Thursday, September 14, 2006
ok.. replies to tags 1st.

traptforever--> no la.. im not lazy.. but its rily too late liao.. u guys all plae at 6 plus le.. by the time finish liao, ready 7+ liao.. getting home is like so sian.. since the traffic sure jam at tat time..

gail--> sry ah.. i vry long nvr use frendster liao.. nxt time if i feel like usin den i go add testi for u la.. sry.. :(

piggy--> u sick rite? evrytime oso sick.. no wonder la! pigs vry easy fall ill 1.. =X

shayne-->oh.. u oso in the remedial rite? haha. i still rmb.. always outside the toilet 1.. wow. my memory improved!!! :D

jian quan--> ya.. i kw.. i oso saw u.. i kw concert sux.. =X

now.. back to my post..
2dae was quite a slack dae..didn even hav a proper lesson la.. all oso so slack.. hahaha..
2dae i oso pon the life science program.. haha. i tink nobody in my class actually bothered to go la.. frm 1.40pm - 4.20pm le.. so sian..
hahaha.. den i jus pon. :D
anw, i went to 7-11 near joo seng dere buy food eat b4 goin back sch 4 CO.
den since i still got a lot of time.. i jus plae truth or dare wif say yin la..
den he dare me sia!! ask me go outside cedar sch..
siao.. so outstanding..evrybody wear blue n grey.. den we so extra wear white! x).. den i say jus walk opp cedar.. cus i didn hav much time left liao.. if nt i will b late 4 CO
den he say ok lor.. since i didn kw how to walk.. n say yin lives near dere.. so i ask him follow me. :)
den i realized.. tt the dist frm the 100 bus stop to cedar is so long!!! wa... damn long sia.. n i tot my sch was ready long.. :(
kinda regretted it.. den i saw cedar pri sch.. hah. quite small.. but i was wonderin y they hav boys.. n thier sec sch dun hav.. hmm..
anw, cedar is sooo big!! omg.. it looks like a palace le.. n its so white.. n so blue.. n dere was like a big sch logo on top.. a tree and a book.. i tink.. cedar sch seems to b obessed wif nature.. =X
anw, i was rily running late.. it was like 2.30pm?!? wa.. i gg to b late liao.. so i jus left cedar n rushed back to sch 4 CO..
haix.. anw, tts abt my day.. sry if i had bored u. xD

{you are my light}
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
sry evry1.. culdnt use com ytd.. i fell alsleep at 7pm ytd nite.. didn kw y...
im such a pig.. x)
mayb its cus of the punishment i went through ytd.. haha. xD.
stupid fairy godmother!!! make me copy out the marist creed and values.. cus i didn hand the erp project.. den i cheated like crap..
i 4got to copy out a few paragraphs.. den tcher nvr find out.. hahaha. x)
anw, my results were so bad... got 68% for chinese.. 66% for geog, 70% for science..76% for home econ.. and.. i failed my maths!!!! ahhh... y cant i seem to ever pass my maths?!? =(
wa, tis reminds me of pri 6.. wen my maths was soooo lousy.. i kept failing non-stop.. 1 day.. mrs siva announced those ppl who are weak in maths n said she was going 2 giv them remedial.. well.. my name was called.. but wad made me shocked was.. I WAS THE ONLY GUY IN CLASS WHO FAILED MATHS!!! which means tat the whole remedial was all gals.. n im the only boy!! wth!!!
i was dumbfounded.. den matthew laughed at me.. den mrs siva go scold him den "jus becuz he's the only boy, doesnt mean u guys hav to laugh at him.. blah blah blah.."
wa lao... sian la.. zzzz
n now.. i still fail maths!!! ahhh.. wth la...
hahaha.. at least i didn fail science unlike last time.. where i got 4 over 40 for chem.. yea.. i rock alrite.. lol xD
hope tis yr's eoy exam i wun fail maths anymore... ...

{you are my light}
Sunday, September 10, 2006
hahax. finally its the end of the holidays... so fast.. tmr hav to go back to sch ready... haiz... sian again.. well, at least the last term will b short..
anw, 2dae i m vry happy!!! I finally got my drum set!!! x)
yay!!! my dream of being a drummer in church band is finally coming true!! den..
i can plae wif "her" side by side..
hahaha.. k la.. i go plae my drum liao.. n since i cant find any nice skins 4 the time being.. u guys will hav to c tis skin whether u like it or nt. x)
til i find a nicer skin..
anw, i gtg. hope i wun get the monday blues tmr... :'(...

{you are my light}
Saturday, September 09, 2006
haha! changed skin again! i was too bored.. haha. plz gimme ur comments! thnx :)
haha.. still left wif geog to complete! haha.. im a super worker!!! could hav been faster if i didn't use msn yesterday or didn't change my skin.. =X
YES! my dad jus told me tat i can finally get my drum set tmr!!! YAY!!
finally it will b my turn to make the noise.. now my sis's piano cant beat me.. n my dad's er hu cant do much.. leavin my drums the LOUDEST!!! hahaha.. so happy! xD later got church.. hope i wun slp durin surmon... as i alwaes do... =X. im nt tat holy after all.. :(
shit! i haven read the bible yet!!! :

damn... mus go read now liao.. if nt, later the quiz i die.. ..

{you are my light}
Friday, September 08, 2006
... only left wif 2 days b4 holidays end.. tts so fast.. seriously.. its too fast....
haix... no choice, jus hav to accept the fact..
n i haven completed any projects yet. =X..
im jus too lazy.. i've got no mood to mug at all..
n CO was crap 2day.. stupid VP.. "warning" us nt to pon again.. den he say those wif poor attendance better b careful and started namin pple..
n my name was called 1st!!! haha.. IM FAMOUS!! haha.. -.-" sian la..
den tis dec got a concert held in the SCH.. den im guessin my dec holidays will b so damn screwed.. jus hope it wun effect any impt stuff.. like 602 eoy chalet :D(if dere's any..)
haix.. feel like quitin.. its so boring.. its a miracle i didn die out of the boredom... ZZZ..
anw, i better start mugging.. at least finish half of the hmk.. den the other half go sch den copy..
n hopefully.. life will b better.. hope tt tmr will b a better day! :)

{you are my light}
Thursday, September 07, 2006
2day is so boring... zzzz.. CO was like so sian.. haix... tmr still hav.. :'(
den now CO got smarter liao.. now harder to pon liao.. not like last time, where i jacked the president.. heees.. i still rmb lor.. so damn funny..
it started wen he called my hse.. thankfully i picked it up. x)
den he asked
"May I speak to sebastian's mum?"

Instantly, i knew he is the president n he was goin to tell my parents wad i
did.. but he was stupid enough to quote it like tat..

i replied "She's not at home.. "
wen she's clearly watching tv..

den he asked "Den may i speak to sebastian's dad?"
again, i replied.. "he's not at home.."
wen he is at his room readin a book..

den he said.. "all right, sebastian.. y didn't u not go CO 2day?"

i quickly tot of n excuse i nvr used b4 "cus i hav a chalet to attend.. "
den he accepted it sia..

den he said "all right.. den did u not tell us beforehand?"

i didn hav enuff time to think of an ans.. so i jus said wad i was thinkin..

"cus i dont feel like.."

den he had tis pitiful tone.. "ok, sebastian.. i won't mark u tis time.. but promise me tat u will go to CO the nxt session? ok? CO do care abt u, u kw?"

i was like yuck.. stupid president.. den i sian liao
jus reply..

"orh.. got it.."
den he hung up.

he is jus plain stupid.. he ready knew hu i was den still ask for "sebastian's mum".. obviously i wun let him get my mum.. i will b sooo damn screwed if my parents fund out.. haha. den he still nvr scold me..xD den try to "sweettalk" me.. yuck! x(
haiz.. but now threaten me wif the RED list liao.. whoa.. big ar..
red den red la!
i love red anw, my fav colour x)
now will b harder to pon liao.. sian.. ZZZ..

{you are my light}
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
heh. 2day is another usual day.. slept like pig.. ate like a pig.. acted like a pig.. mayb i am 1... =X.
anw, 2day went to shiva's hse plae! actually wanted to go in the morning.. but mum didn't allow.. had to fake her tat i doin projects.. =X.
wad? nt tat i had any choice left.. X)
den those 2 geeks made me wait at the mrt station 4 20 mins sia!!! den make me so nervous.. i tot i late sia.. haiz..
how i wish my fone wasnt stolen... arrgghh!!!!!!!!! so angry!!!!
den i had to waste $0.90 to buy sweet den can get $0.10 to use public fone.. den they arrived.. wen i was goin to call them...
wa... waste my $0.90... damn!!!
so unlucky... haiz... i MUS get my fone back.. be it hook or by crook... n if i ever find the idiot tat took my fone..
haiz.. k la.. tired liao.. no use crying over split milk..
anw, i better finish up my projects.. =X
i haven completed a single 1.. ahhh.. n only left like 4 days?!? wif 7 projects?!? OMG.. im screwed..

{you are my light}
Monday, September 04, 2006
wa, 2dae is such a sian day... zzzz.. nth to do sia.. so boring...
anw, R.I.P steve irwin, the great croc hunter..
haix.. no more reason to watch animal planet liao.. poor fella..
got killed by a stingray.. an animal expert killed by an animal.. tragic beyond words... :
tats all i hav to say.. 2dae is jus so boring... ZZZZ

{you are my light}
Saturday, September 02, 2006

finally.. the start of the holidays... haha. ytd went to play lan wif say yin again.. pity nicholas couldnt come.. cant own him again.. haix.. anw, ownin say yin is gd enuff.. :)
2dae is so damn sian sia.. no church.. i stuck at hm to rot n die.. haix... actually wanted to sneak out 1.. but den my parents somehow fund out i no church.. haix... DAMN DAMN SIAN... holidays oso cant go out properly... wa lao.. rather hav school le.. seriously.....
haix...but at least i went to watch "monster house"
tat show is quite nice.. n i rily loved tat show..
its vry touching.. den oso took neos!
my mum n sis forced me to.. :'(

{you are my light}

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