take all of me:

Call me crazy,
Call me mad.
Call me whatever,
I don't really care
This is my paradise,
this is my voice
And if you're kind,
don't deprive me of my choice
I need to express,
so please don't make me suppress
There's always this little red cross
at the top of your screen
Do feel free to click it if you think I'm mean
Because honestly, this is me
And I am free
To do whatever I wish! :D

You were warned.. :P



foo hou
hsieh wen
jian quan
jun yuan
lim xinyi
say yin
say wee
sze hui
sze min
teo xinyi
ting hui
wan xing
yeow boon
yuan jun
yuen man
yuen ping
yun xuan
zhi ming
zhi wen
zi keng
602 04'
MSHS hu dept
NYJC student council

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Yesterday, pastor asked us to write down our talents, skills, interests, etc.
on a piece of paper.
den ask us to switch with the person nxt to you.
den that person will den add on other talents that you didnt write.
den my partner wrote,
sian la..
but come to think of it..
its TRUE. xD

tmr got church camp sia.. haiz.. so sian.. :(
so little ppl going..
... ... ...
i lost my 'stuff to bring' list..
aiya, hack care la.
not like i going the whole thing. still must go back school for cca. :(
... ... ...
i also lost my booklist!!
haiz.. now i dunno wad to buy le la. nvm la. go CO den ask the ppl dere for booklist la. den photocopy. :(
... ... ...
i 4got to sell my concert tickets!!!
oh! damn.
how? how? i haven asked anyone yet sia.. :'(
screw the world la.

now i gtg get haircut le la.
parents nagging like siao.
now cursing and swearing already..
say wad "i will shave ur head when you're sleeping if u dun cut your hair"

NO way.

haiz.. anw, b4 i go, i will be lame like amanda and put my baby pic for fun.
hahaha. :D

no wonder my relatives always call me "wu tong" which comes from the mahjong game. the piece with 5 circles. they say it looks like me with 5 blobs of fat.


{you are my light}
Friday, November 24, 2006
haiz.. damn tired these few days.. nxt week will be worse.. with the TB joshua thing.. and the church camp.. tmr still got cello lesson sia..
ahh, i hate my life!! :(

kinda bored of my skin now.. maybe i'll change it..
i dun feel LAZY.. :D

feel like watching battle of wits.. who wanna watch with me? :D

{you are my light}
Sunday, November 19, 2006
casino royale
Went to ps today with priscilla, sze min and the 2 xinyi's.
Today is so called priscilla's 'bday'. she treated us lunch and arcade wor.
den on the way to dhoby ghuat, the train suddenly came to a stop.
den i began to have wild thoughts floating in my mind..
cuz everytime wen the train stops, something bad must have happened.
i had this crazy conclusion that the train was hijacked. Then a masked man would be holding a revolver and threatening to shoot everyone if we didn't cooperate or something.. ...
in the end..
there was just a fault in the machine.. haiz.. so boring.. :(
i watched too many action shows i guess.. :X
anyways, made it in time.. and even early! :D
den i saw someone whom i couldnt believe.. it was..
she's in ps!?
must be hallucinating.. * rubs eyes*
den i looked again.. it IS ''her''..
den she seem to be going up as well.. same as me.. but den.. lost sight of ''her'' after lvl 3..
duno why.. but i felt rather disappointed.. haiz..
anyways, saw priscilla and gang. den went to eat lunch.
once again, thanks for the treat, priscilla!
ate japanese food.. den i accidentally spil my miso soup onto the meatballs.. eh.. making the meatballs look more 'appealing'? =X
den went to watch movie. bot the casino royale tickets.
the show started at 3.25pm. and the time was 2.55pm
so had abt half an hour..
den we went to yamaha. den i saw this cool drum set.. o.o

i wan it!

nvm, watched the movie casino royale after that..
and why must every james bond show have those 'scenes'.. :(
the show is damn draggy la..
but wad make me disgusted is the "torture" scene.
where the bad guy make james bond naked.
den made him sit on a rattan chair with no bottom.
den he got this thick rope..
and started to swing it and den he whacked james' ...
err.. damn sick..
to a guy.. whacking that part is the most painful experience a guy can ever experience la!! :(
better not disclose too much abt the movie, later nobody want watch le..
anw, to those who wanna watch.. u guys are in for a long movie.. :D

also gave priscilla the choker.. hope she liked it.. :D
happy bday priscilla! :D

{you are my light}
Friday, November 17, 2006

went to vivo again. this time went abroad that ship. haha.
so long nvr step on a real ship le.. suddenly i felt like going on a cruise or something.. :(
the ship was holding a book fair.
they were selling a lot of books. i think the cheapest book dere is 15 units
which is 15 units x 4= $o.60.
i think so la.
was thinking why the ship is called 'GBA'
den i kept thinking it was Game Boy Advance. =X
haha. lame la.
den i saw this funny shirt this guy was wearing

' i am a.. F.B.I'

'Female Body Inspector'

was having weird thoughts as the guy was wearing sunglasses..
i was thinkin maybe he had x-ray glasses or something. =X
im crapping..
i oso saw another guy wearing a red tee..

3 nails

+ 1 cross


= 4 given

i rily liked that shirt.
anw, only christians will get it.

ok.. im REALLY crapping.
i oso saw this really cool shirt at LP zone.
i rilly wan it sia!!
but its $22!!
and im like only left with a whopping $0.55 in my wallet?!?
im like so damn rich.. :D

random quote
''a true friend is someone who will step in, when the world goes out.''

tmr still must go cello teacher's hse for lessons sia! i dun wanna go! :(

{you are my light}
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The covenant
watched the covenant today.. the movie was alright.
although it was a pity that Sebastian Stan who acts as Chase Colins in the show died. (or did he? hmm..)
wadeva la...
something bad happened to him la.
The movie 'ailen vs predator'.
there was also a character named Sebastian. and he got killed by a girl as the ailen was inside his body. :(
The movie 'hollow man'.
the main character also named Sebastian.
he invented a medicine to turn living things invisible. He made it but he couldnt turn himself visible again. hence, starting killing ppl.
but in the end, he died. :(
i think the only movie i rmb is 'The little mermaid'
where Sebastian the crab nvr die!!! :D

ok, im crapping..
so bored.. alright.
the next movie i would watch is probably casino royale.
den death note 2!! :D

nth much actually.. haha.

grats, if u found this post..i know its lame, but i had no choice.. i didnt want my godsis to poke into my private life.. or even accidentally let pris find out.
anyway, i went out with my gf today! one of the last few meetings b4 i fly to japan i guess.. today's events were so uncalled for.. i cant believe you broke your slipper in the midst of the public. and the timing was REAL bad. haha, nxt time wear shoes!!! Anw, for ur interest, the slipper costs exactly the same as the necklace i wanted to buy for my mum. haha.
Anw, hope you liked the slippers.. =) i think the movie was quite good.. altho i still dun understand why the gem is with the star.. =X.
and u know, that letter u wrote to me has actually got me thinking..
who EXACTLY are u to me?
i'm also unsure too.. =(
zzz.. okay. im real bored..
found this in my email. just put it down la. :)
1. Starting Time: 802pm
2. Full Name: Hong Tao Ang Sebastian
3. Best Friend(s):um...a lot.
4. Sexiest Friend: har? im not sure.
5. Funniest Friend(s): hahaha. i'm not sure too. i laugh easily so i duno who are those tat are funny.. :(
6. Smartest friends: eh.. i also duno. :(
7. Dumbest Person: ME!! :D
8. Shyest Friend: come to think of it.. dun have leh.. :(
9. Most boring person: me!!! :D
10. Who Do you get advice from: friends? :)
11. Height : 170
12. D(ate)O(f)B(irth): 4th may 1992
13. Righty / Lefty : right.
15. Shoe Size : 12.
16. Shoe Brand : erm.. i got a lot le. Aasics trainers.. New balance racers..
Nike shoes.. :D
17. Do you Crack any Body Parts: what? i dont understand this q. um. BRUISES. only.
18. Siblings: younger sister. SAD. O.o
19. Email Address: sebastian_colonel@hotmail
20. Boy Friend/Girl Friend: erm.. no.
21. Crush: haha..
22. Liked a Teacher: no
23. Hope the person you send this to would reply: it is not applicable here.
24. Ate a Tub of Ice Cream: YES. i eat tubs of ice-cream at home.
25. Ran Into a Glass Door: duno. cant rmb
26. Gone Skinny Dipping: no..
27. Nearly hit by a car: yes. a lot of times
28. Ran into a parked car: eh.. no.

******Girls Fill Out About Guys******
35. Boxers or Briefs:
36. Tall or Short :
37. Does size matter:
38. Six-pack or Muscular Arms:
39. Body or Personality:
40. Ear Pierced or Not:
41. Sporty or Outdoorsy:
42. good or bad guy:

******Guys Fill Out on girls******
47. G or hipster undies: eh.. dunno how to ans this question..
48. Tall or Short : haha. not taller than me can liao.
49. Long Hair or Short : short hair
50.Dark or Light Eyes: dark
51. Light/Dark Hair: light
52. Body or Personality: personality
53. Ears Pierced or Not: anything.
55. Good Girl/Bad Girl: good girl, cuz im a gd boy. :D
56.Hair Up or Down : down -.-"
57. Sporty or Classy: sporty
58. Chicken or Not Afraid : NOT AFRAID

******Which One is Better******
59. Coke or pepsi: COKE.
60. K.F.C or Mcdonalds: eh. BURGER KING! :D
61. Cats or Dogs : Dogs
62. Coffee or Tea : coffee
63. Eastside or westside: east.
64. Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate.
65. Cake or Cookies: cookies
66. Purple striped Lime socks or white socks: i'll take white.. purple is.. -.-"
67. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset. easier to see. sunset i alwaes no motivation to wake up. =X
68. Day or Night: night. I'm high at night! :D
69. Lights on or off : -.-"?
70. Summer or Winter: winter.
71. Food: haha. anything.
73. Holiday destination: L.A., Japan, Korea.. :D
74. Radio Station: 987 or 933 oso can.
75.finishing time: 830pm
76.Date: 15th November 2006

{you are my light}
Friday, November 10, 2006
vivo city
went to vivo city with say yin today.
I only have 1 word to describe that place.
its so big. We actually got lost. :D
Really wanna watch a movie in there.
since its singapore's biggest cinema...
and since i've got nth to blog.. shall just blog the survey la. :(

1. Single, taken or crushing?
single. :D
2. Are you happy with your life now?
er.. no.
3. When you meet the right person, will you fall for him/her fast?
yes. =X
4. Have you had your heart broken?
er... i guess so..
5. Do you believe there are circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?
No. besides, im so innocent.. who would want to cheat me? :D
6. Would you talk to someone back if he/she cheats on you?
nobody's perfect.
7. Have you talk to another person about marriage before?
embarrassingly yes.. when i was quite young and 'blur'. =X
8. Do you want children?
er.. i don't mind.
9. How many?
2! hopefully twins.
10. Would you consider adoption?
hmm.. im not sure. i guess not. cuz it won't be 'my' child.
11. If someone likes you right now, what do you think is the best way to let you know his/her feelings?
tell me?!? haha. maybe face to face.
12. Do you enjoy getting into relationships?
erm.. i'm probably too young. studies 1st! gaming 2nd! :D
13. Be honest. What did you and your ex did?
eh.. cant rmb.. think was sharing root beer? :(
14. Do you believe in love at first sight?
haha. sure, why not. That's what happened to me! =X
15. Are you romantic?
that's for you to decide. :)
16. Do you believe you can change someone?
17. If you could marry somewhere, where would it be?
Japan! probably under cherry trees during autumn.
18. Do you easily give in when you're fighting?
I rarely give up.
19. Do you have feelings for someone right now?
heh, used to. but.. the feeling is gone.
20. Have you ever wish you could have someone but you messed it up?
yes.. badly.. but i just screwed up in the end.
21. Have you broken a heart?
erm.. im not sure. i don't think so bah. i so short and stupid. who would want me? :(
22. One day if your best friend fall in love with he/she that you are deeply in love with, what would you do?
Duel with him! play dota to decide the winner!! haha. jk. i would probably give up the girl and wish them good luck.
23. Are you missing someone right now?
my mum.. waiting for my supper.. :(

Now you have to ask your 5 friends to do this survey on their blog. Write down their names below. The 5 people are:
1. say yin
2. amanda
3. cher
4. ethel
5. shayne

{you are my light}
Thursday, November 09, 2006
602 chalet
Went to class chalet ytd. Met up with ethel in the mrt at 10am.
den took from sgoon to pasir ris. den ethel treated me bubble tea.
(btw ethel.. its $1.20! so im being generous, kay!)
den ethel spilled her bubble tea on her shoe. den she wanted tissue paper. so she asked the lady..
den she stopped. she look at me, den ask me wad is tissue paper in chinese.
i was like.. -.-"
nygh student and dun even kw wad is tissue paper in chinese.
anw, took bus 354.
den i called shayne den she said its in costa sands.
so naturally i tot it was the old one..
den i asked her wad chalet no is it. she said its B? or D?
i 4got le la. D-1403, i think..
i was thinkin on the bus why got 1403 de.. cuz i rmb costa sands is like D-03 de.
but i hack care anw.. cuz i was too lazy to think. =X
hahaha. obviously we went to the wrong chalet..

nxt time i must not be lazy! :(
den went to the CORRECT chalet..
wasted like half n hr.. :'(
den finally reached dere!
guys got daryl, samuel, xindi, alvin, yuen, leonard, sean, zikeng
girls got ethel, shayne, melissa, regina, yeesuan and gail.
haha. the girls actually lesser than the guys sia. :D
den went to eat BK, den drank 1 and half litres of coke. -.-"
stupid leonard.. gave me his coke.. make me so bloated.
the coke sux la! tasted like chewing gum..
den went to play soccer.
aiya. my stomach so bloated.. cant even run properly..
den sian la.. went back to chalet den samuel was so damn sian
so he go take a phone den go and anyhow call ppl
den he said, ''hello? erm.. this is a prank call."
den he hung up. -.-"
cant stop laughing. :D

den played bridge with the girls.. bleah. keep losing.. :(
but nvm la. since i jus learnt it not too long ago. haha. :D
and why the guys suddenly grow so tall ah? i feel vry short le.. :(
den at abt 6 plus. i left the chalet den 'smart' ethel dun wan to leave with me. hahaha
den i reach home eariler den her. hahaha. even though she took gail's car. ghaha. so lame.

i kinda miss 602.. :(

"Feelings change, but memories don't..."
People change, but 602 remains forever, unchanged.. :D

{you are my light}
Sunday, November 05, 2006
I shall jus say wad happened ytd.. since i've got nth to blog.. :(
Say yin and I met at tb plaza to wait for shiva's dad to pick us up.
den he would send us to east coast park where philemon's bday party was held.
den b4 his dad came, 2 guys who went up to us..
had to be charity stuff..
but surprisingly, they were christians! :O
den they started to spread the gospel..
i was like -.-"..
i was wearing a chain with a cross on it!! cant they tell im oso a christian!?!
haha. wadeva la.
den 1 guy gave me a flyer abt their church camp..
haha. so enthu.. sadly.. i lost my flyer...
mite hav thrown it.. =X
den shiva's dad came and fetched us to east coast park.

well, we were quite lucky it didnt rain :)
but unlucky as the osim triathlon was postponed from 3rd to ytd.. :(
so we couldn't cycle vry far in the morning....
anw, had a lot of fun on the beach..
we buried say yin into the sand and his legs were both stuck. haha.
and he was half naked!!! :D
I actually wanted to put the pics i took of him.. but im scared he might murder me!!! :(

den went cycling again!! :D
this time, the triathlon was over!
so we cycled to the other end which was at changi.. den back again.. zzz.. was so bored..
so i was spamming smses while cycling.. :D
bad habit of mine.. :(

den at nite.. the sea was at high tide.
1st time i ever saw the sea at high tide. :)
vry nice but..
the sea was scary.. dere was no beach to even sit on!! :(
den even the huge rock that couples like to sit on was like stranded..
and there were cockroaches evrywhere!!
eek.. hate cockroaches.. actually im afraid of cockroaches.. =X
esp those flying ones.. :(
den at 11pm,
i went back home.. sunburned and worn out.. =P

Q: What's a man's greatest fear?
A: The fear of letting his own fears be known.

{you are my light}
Friday, November 03, 2006
Ah.. stupid body of mine.. why must it hurt so much?!?
both my legs and my arms are aching..
evrytime after cross country sure like that.. :(
anw, today i went to city hall to buy a birthday present for philemon.
okay.. okay..
buying birthday present was just an excuse to go lan shop la. :D
but still bought his present. :D
tmr i will be goin east coast park celebrate his birthday..
hope i can cycle properly and my legs won't fail me!!
arrggh.. moaning in pain right now.. :'(

{you are my light}
Thursday, November 02, 2006
time to train
Wah, super tired today.. i think i really need to train more often and stop slacking..
Today's cross country training..
made me totally wiped out!
We went to jog the cedar route, where we would pass potong pasir and cedar school. It's a 5.5 km run.
wah, super tired. i ran so slow!! :(
damn it! i couldn't believe it!!!
31 mins!!! for 5.5km?!?!
im so screwed..
den went to do foot drills.. plus 30 push ups.
and also running up and down the 'killer' slope 4 rounds!
vry shag.. even vomitted just now.. uggghh..
i better train more if i wanna continue to stay in cross country..
i wanna go slp le.. ZZZZ

"Pain is only temporary but victory is forever."
just a random quote.

{you are my light}

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