take all of me:

Call me crazy,
Call me mad.
Call me whatever,
I don't really care
This is my paradise,
this is my voice
And if you're kind,
don't deprive me of my choice
I need to express,
so please don't make me suppress
There's always this little red cross
at the top of your screen
Do feel free to click it if you think I'm mean
Because honestly, this is me
And I am free
To do whatever I wish! :D

You were warned.. :P



foo hou
hsieh wen
jian quan
jun yuan
lim xinyi
say yin
say wee
sze hui
sze min
teo xinyi
ting hui
wan xing
yeow boon
yuan jun
yuen man
yuen ping
yun xuan
zhi ming
zhi wen
zi keng
602 04'
MSHS hu dept
NYJC student council

Saturday, December 30, 2006
movie marathon
yesterday was fun. watched 2 movies. haha
1st movie was "Night At The Museum"
watched it with priscilla and sze min at toa payoh.
sry guys, for making u wait so long.. =X
anw, the movie was nice. rilly funny.
although it was so freezing cold!!
since i forgot my jacket.. :(

den for 2nd movie. :D
i was with my parents this time.. it was in toa payoh again. haha.
we went shopping 1st to kill time, den my mum bot me a pair of cargo pants and a jacket and 3 printed tees, since they were on clearance sale. :D
den i watched the movie "Confession Of Pain" with my dad.
while my mum and sis watch "Charlotte's Web"
although i wore my jacket, it was still so freezing cold!!! :(

today i dunno wad to do.. since no need to go church.. haiz..
boring.. :(

{you are my light}
Friday, December 29, 2006
hell is over!!!
I'm finally free!! No more cello sounds, no more tuning, no more blisters!!
thanks to those who wished me luck!!
much appreciated. :D

tmr still must go back.. haiz.. :(
say wad pack up the music room.. waste of time... zzzz

Anw, ethel i dun care.
Next time must get me a bouquet of sunflowers!! ("/)
dun be so stingy la. ghahaha.
Btw, my senior tot u jian quan's girlfriend sia. hahaha. xD

tmr i going to watch "Night At The Museum"
heard its quite nice..
ok. i go sleep liao..

btw, say yin..

{you are my light}
Monday, December 25, 2006

{you are my light}
Saturday, December 23, 2006
death note 2
HI. back to update.
yesterday i watched death note 2
the movie changed the whole manga by SO much!!!
but the ending still same la.
light died til so pathetic.. :D

anw, i watched the sneak preview so dont be so surprised. :D
The movie hasn't started yet.

ohwells, im kinda bored.
i'll do the quiz priscilla begged me to do. :P

1. Start Time: 10.00am
2. Name: Sebastian
3. Nickname: Sebas
4. If u were a skittle what color would you be?: red. i love red.
5. Chinese Zodiac: monkey! :D
6. Horoscope: taurus
7. Hair color: black
8. Eye color: black
9. Height: 170cm
10. Favorite Color: RED!!
11. Glasses?: yes
12. Braces?: no!! i hate them.
13. Piercing/tattoos: nope.
14. Pet: no pets.

******HAVE YOU EVER******

17. Cut your own hair?: yep, when DM was checking out for hair length. and my frinch was too long so i cut it off.
18. Did you do something in the past month that you regret?: going CCA..
20. Hugged someone who isn't your g/f or b/f?: parents can right?
21. Skipped school?: no. im so guai. why would do such a thing? :D
22. Bungee jumped?: no
23. Jump off a building?: no..-.-"
24. Dumped someone?: lol. yea.
25. Been arrested?: no.
26. TP'd someone's house?: dunno wad the Q means.. but no la.
27. Won something?: yep.
30. Been rejected?: T_T
31. Been to a funeral?: yea
32. Used a lighter?: yea. used it when lighting up bday cake. :D
33. Been on stage?: so many times... :(


34. Season: winter!! :D i love snow!!
35. Food: choco, cookies, etc. the list goes on and on...
37. School subject(s): everything but chem!! :D
36. Ice cream flavour: rum and rasin!! :D
38. Person: ??? fav person ah?
41. Book(s): eeyer.. hate books. erm.. harry potter bah.
42. Movie(s): death note 1/2, ins 2, blah, blah, blah..
43. Song(s): rock.
44. Park: west coast park
45. State: i dunno..
46. Place: anywhere with a bed.
47. Sport to watch: soccer.
49. Bands/musicians: erm.. jay chou, linken park, blink 182, click 5, The all-american rejects, yellowcard, simple plan.. etc.
50. Letter(s): L
51. Restaurant: japanese restaurant
52. Cartoon Character(s): spongebob.
53. TV Station(s): aint much tv stations in spore..
54. Name for a son: Ryuzaki :DD
55. Name for a daughter: michelle. (seriously!!)

******DO YOU PREFER******

56. Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate.
58. Long relationships or short?: long
59. Dogs or cats?: dogs
60. Scary movies or comedies?: comedies
61. Short hair or long?: long
62. Croutons or bacon bits?: bacon bits
63. Kissing or hugging?: hugging bah. i dunno..


64. Mexicans: hat
65. School: CCA...
66. Grass: green
67. Cow: milk
68. Canada: maple leaf
69. Mouse: grey furry animal with pink tail?
70. Hands: the blisters on my fingers after playing endless hours of cello

******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******

71. Watched a movie: death note 2!!
72. Talked on the phone: yea, with say yin.
73. Cried: nope.
74. Threw up: nope
75. Drank a glass of water: yea
76. Done Drugs: no. the goods haven arrived yet. : D haha. jk jk.
77. Read a book or magazine: yea.
78. Watched TV: yeah
79. Looked in the mirror: yeah
80. Taken a shower: yes
81. Taken a picture: nope.
82. Listened to music: yea.
83. Kissed someone: nope.
84. Told someone you liked them: no.. not in the past 48 hrs..

i have chosen 4 ppl to do the quiz
1) say yin
2) shiva
3) ethel

k, im done.. later got chuch rally. so say yin
u better be dere. dun disappoint me hor!! :D

{you are my light}
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
stupid rain..
i shall just write down wad happened today.

Today after CO, i was walking in a huge downpour.. as i didn't have my umbrella.
i was quite wet..

and i was praying in my heart tat someone could fetch me or something just to prevent me from getting wet..
den across the road came a bearded muslim driving a mercedes benz.
seeing me in need, he offered me a lift.

My prayers were ANSWERED!! :D

i quickly agreed since i was very wet and had quite a long road ahead to walk..
so i just got in his car swiftly without much consideration..
after getting inside his car.. a sudden chill went down my spine..

"Could he be a kidnapper?!?" :

i quickly glanced at him..
he smiled back at me and showed off his yellow teeth and was happily smoking away..
he had a scar on his cheek and a tatoo on his arm..

a somewhat appearance of a kidnapper..

i quickly told myself to calm down.. as i could be thinking too much..

So to be careful, i just told him to drop me off at the nearest bus stop..

muslim: "of cuz! you know,I really pity ya for walking in the bloody rain getting
yourself all wet and stuff. You didnt bring an umbrella?"

i forced a smile.

me : "nope. i forgot.. "

muslim : "haha. well, lucky for you, i was there."

i was beginning to be more terrified by each passing second.. i quickly took out my phone..
slowly pressing the "999"
hoping he wouldn't notice..

muslim : "So.. Where do you live? Is your family income good?"

my heart skipped a beat.
wild thoughts were flooding my mind..
i thought he was deciding how much is the ransom sum.. :(

me : " erm.. not very good. Cuz i would have better pants if i were rich. haha."

trying to make it as natural as possible,
i showed him my pants which were already torn ages ago..

he seemed displeased. :D

Suddenly, he passed by the bus stop which i wanted to get off..
i froze. :

muslim : "oh dear, seems like i forgot the bus stop. hmm.. how about i drop you off at the next one? "

my heart began beating faster. I couldn't think properly.
i was going to die!!
"he did that on purpose!! he's gonna capture and... ahhhh!!"

The muslim grinned, waiting a response from me.

me : oh.. it's alright.. the next stop will do fine."

i tried to think of something.. to get me out of this mess..

i grasped the door handle to give me some sense of security.
i even ran through the stuff i had that could be a weapon to defend myself.
The best i could think of was my water bottle..

i couldn't think properly as the smoke emitted from his lips was suffocating my brain.
He smiled once again.
This time, his eyes seemed to be able to read my mind..
and his devilish grin was taunting me.

i knew i HAD to get off this car!

in the end..

he really dropped me off.

haha, wasted my brain cells...:(
sry ppl. for wasting your time reading this too.

okay, i'm going to watch bleach now


{you are my light}
Sunday, December 17, 2006
so long nvr blog le.
okay. im bored.. so..
im gonna do a quiz i saw in say yin's blog.

name 30 people. (i'll reduce it to 25 la.. i cant think of that many ppl)

1. Say yin
2. Shiva
3. Yan Ming
4. Alex
5. Bryan
6. Edwin
7. Christian
8. Amanda
9. Brenda
10. Trish
11. Vanessa
12. Priscilla
13. Sze Min
14. Cher
15. Teo Xinyi
16. Wen Hao
17. Michelle
18. Mandy
19. Yi Zhuang
20. Ethel
21. Sherilyn
22. Shayne
23. Yeesuan
24. Yu En
25. An Qi

1.Pick a word that desrcibes 18
[mandy] determined
2.How is 1 related to you?
[say yin] gd frens. :D
3.Would 12 and 14 make a good pair?
[priscilla][cher] haha. they arent lesbians... (i think..)
4.What if 17 confesses his/her feelings to you?
[michelle] .... i dunno leh.. but i know that wont happen... :(
5.What do 10 and 22 have in their eating habits?
[trish][shayne] i duno..
6.Say something about 1.
[say yin] dota freak, girl hunter, racist beyond hope. =X
7.What if you are a third party between 5 and 10?
[bryan][trish] i dont think they will even know each other..
8.What if you didnt know 2?
[shiva] aiya. no more halo and Fman.. sad.
9.Which singer/band does 11 favour?
[vanessa] my little sis? haha. i duno.. :(
10.Did 23 ever made you cry?
[yeesuan] no.. i dont think she will.
11.Who is 21 to you?
[sherilyn] ex-classmate that sat bside me.used to tolerate my craziness during p5.
12. Did you ever hated 16?
[wen hao] no.
13.What if 20 and 4 quarrel?
[ethel][alex] whoever quarrel with ethel is dead la. she cant be beaten in a quarrel, but i duno.
14.Select an emoticon that best suits 25
[an qi] smiley bah. i duno.
15.Would 6 make a good boyfriend/girlfriend to you?
[edwin] no.. im not gay.
16.Radomly take 3 numbers from 1 to 10 and add them. Who is it? What is your deepest impression of him/her?
[michelle] erm.. very matured. despite her young age.
17.Choose a cartoon character to describe 22.
[shayne] ahaha. spongebob!!
18.Who would take the place of 1 if 1 is not part of your life?
[say yin] nobody
19.What does 19 look like?
[yi zhuang] handsome bah. girl killer.
20.What is the resemblance of 21 and powerpuff girls?
[sherilyn] lol. i duno. hmm.. bubbles? i alwaes c her smiling.
21.Is 3 an important person?
[yan ming] a gd fren of mine. we owned together and get thrashed together. =D
22. Select an idiom to describe 22
[shayne] i dunno.. i dun even kw how to describe myself in an idiom la..
23. What is 9's favourite phrase?
[brenda] haha. ''shuddup or ii slap euu''
24.Do you know 7's parents?
[christian] no.
25.Name a song to describe 10.
[trish] boulevard of broken dreams. her fav song i think..
26.If you had a chance to date 15, would you?
[teo xinyi] -.-"
27.Would you consider going on a cruise with 8?
[amanda] hmm.. would you? sis?
28.When is 24's birthday?
[yu en] ... oh.. i 4got! but somewhere in feb..
29.How would you start a chat on msn with 14?
[cher] she sure say hi 1st.. den silence.
30.When was the last time you met 6?
[edwin] on thurs. played lan together.

yay. im done. so sian.. zzz..
im going to watch bleach now!

{you are my light}
Friday, December 01, 2006
church camp
came back from camp yesterday. Den i'll just briefly say what i did during the camp la.
i went to camp after i came back from CCA.
they people there were having free time. so i just like slack dere la. den saw the group names..
erm.. Justice league, ultramen, x-men, ninja turtles and power rangers.
haha. :D
my group, Justice league, is the best la. sounds more 'powerful'
den dinner time, we ate pizza. :D
but 2 slices only.. :(
haha. but den can bid for food. so at least not limited to only pizza la.
den we played games. we were supposed to act out a skit like every yr.
this time the story is abt the good samaritian. but in different versions. den my group had to act in bolloywood version sia. -.-"
i dunno anyting abt bollywood la.
den i was smart.
i quickly koped the 'donkey' role, since being the donkey is the easiest. :D
den our group wasnt very enthu la. duno why.
evry1 like dun wan to act liddat...
except sarah la. :D
we wasted quite a lot of time choosing our roles.. which probably lead to our 'reduced' time for rehearsal.
den i felt rather guilty la.
since i was the 1st to kope the easy role..
so i got very 'noble'. =x
den change role to the 'injured jew'.
haha. den after that had to go act liao. so we didnt even have a proper rehearsal la. :(
and i dont even know any bolloywood actions.. haiz..
lose liao. :(
but den in the end, our group got 1st lor.
wad a miracle. haha.
den we went to dance. according to the song 'We're all in this together' from high school musical
wa, den en han keep asking me to look for partner. since must be 1 girl 1 boy.
but wen hao oso no partner
so.. hack la. haha
no choice but to partner him.

den after that we played a shooting game.
we were supposed to pair up with another person den 1 will be the shooter while the other is the one getting shot.
the 1 getting shot must be tied with a toilet roll paper.
the 1 shooting is blindfolded.
so the 1 getting shot can c and must tell the shooter where to aim shoot, etc.
and the main aim is to break the toilet roll paper on the opponents hands.
den i kept getting shot in the eyes.. arggh..
after that got movie marathon. den we watched 'white chicks'
'tokyo drift' and 'pirates of the carribean: dead man's chest'
haha. i was so tired. i didn even finish tokyo dirft den slp le.
haiz.. stupid CO la. make me wake up so early.
den tues oso cant go thanks to CO.
den ytd oso had to leave early thanks to CO oso.
den now i oso gtg thanks to CO.
CO is damn sian..
anw, here is the skit la.
from my group.
the rest can get from youtube.


{you are my light}

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