take all of me:

Call me crazy,
Call me mad.
Call me whatever,
I don't really care
This is my paradise,
this is my voice
And if you're kind,
don't deprive me of my choice
I need to express,
so please don't make me suppress
There's always this little red cross
at the top of your screen
Do feel free to click it if you think I'm mean
Because honestly, this is me
And I am free
To do whatever I wish! :D

You were warned.. :P



foo hou
hsieh wen
jian quan
jun yuan
lim xinyi
say yin
say wee
sze hui
sze min
teo xinyi
ting hui
wan xing
yeow boon
yuan jun
yuen man
yuen ping
yun xuan
zhi ming
zhi wen
zi keng
602 04'
MSHS hu dept
NYJC student council

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Star Awards 2007
i woke up today early in the morning only to find this..

cool right? Its the trophy for the Star Awards 2007. Don't know how it got in my house but mum said it was worth like $1000? haha.

ok, i go back sleep.. tired.

{you are my light}
Monday, December 10, 2007
Movie again..
went out with friends today, the four of us.
Me, Say yin, Yan ming and shiva. It's been quite a while since i went out with GUYS. =X.
Anw, we watched the ''The Golden Compass''
After watching it, I still don't understand why it's against christians. It seems alright to me.. I had such a HARD time trying to understand the movie.
It's kinda like Lord of the rings.

The main char, Liara, has got hold of the golden compass ONLY she can read it. The golden compass holds the key to the truth and tells the person what is the truth he or she is seeking.
I'm confused by the number of worlds there are.
There is the witches world, the gypsies world, the ice bears world, and the REAL? world. Each world is supposedly connected by dust. Liara's father is currently researching on how to visit the other worlds.

Each human has a Daemon with them and their souls are supposedly linked together by dust. So if your Daemon feels pain, the human will feel pain too. If the human dies, your daemon dies. But it doesnt work the other way round. Daemons exists in animal forms, able to change between different animals until they reach adult form where they wont ever change again.

So there are many organizations like the GOBBLERS, where they take children away and bring them to the North. One day, Liara is entrusted with the golden compass and her crush(i assume..) and friend was kidnapped by the Gobblers and taken to the North. Liara uses the compass and finds out the location where the children was taken which was previously unknown. On the way, she makes friends with the king POLAR BEAR? a pilot? and a witch.. and some gypsies. kinda like Lord of the Rings. She then tries to save her friends from the North. It's a really complicated show, and I've got so many queries about it.
This is only the 1st out of 3 i think.

This show should be a trilogy,and the 1st one is ALREADY so confusing.. zzz

The funny thing is Shiva actually almost fell asleep halfway the show, only to be awakened up by the scene where the bear asks Liara,
"You wish to RIDE me?!?" *
haha. sicko la.. only that phrase can make him awake..
guys.. haiz.. =(

I want this bleach figures set for christmas!! haha.

*(for those who don't understand.. it means your mind is not corrupted and you missed out on a good? joke. haha)

{you are my light}
Friday, December 07, 2007
Time to post some more pictures.
Today's my last day in Tokyo already. Since me and my mother complained that the rides in DisneySea were too boring.. We went to Tokyo Dome!
It's a place with all the thrilling and exciting rides are. Unlike DisneySea which is meant for kids.
As usual, we took 3 hours!! just to reach there..and we're really lucky. We so happened to stumble upon a cosplay fiesta!!
Thank God!

Cosplay means many people dress up as different anime characters, trying to bring anime into the real world. These events only happen once in a blue moon. So we're really lucky!

I don't know about this anime but they somehow seem so familiar to me..

WOOT.. one of my favourtite animes! BLEACH!!! =D

I also have no idea what anime is this, anyone enlighten me? They look cool by the way..

Square Enix and Disney's KINGDOM HEARTS. One of my favourtite games during my childhood.

I'm also clueless about this anime.. =(

After that, we took some rides! =D. However, we weren't that lucky.. the weather was getting quite bad. As a result, many rides couldn't be taken.

The Linear Gale. It's like a viking ship ride. Just that your legs are dangling in mid air and its twice as fast as compared to the viking ship ride.

We also took a breather on the Sky Flower. Where the flower-like thing brings you up high in the sky and releases you free fall! =D.The view was really nice.

There were much more rides we took but most of them were indoors and no pictures were to be taken inside. Pity..

ugh! Another candid shot!! Anyways, IT'S RAMEN TIME!!! =P

This is Takeshita street. Where it's similar to Singapore's Bugis street. The shopping ground for teenagers. It's really crowded.

Weird people could be seen almost everywhere. There were fewer NORMAL people than weird people..

To be continued... .. =D

{you are my light}
If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile..But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me.
Sometimes we need to forget about things from our past..cause there must have been a good reason why they didnt make it to our future..
Memories last forever, but friends last a lifetime!


{you are my light}
Thursday, December 06, 2007

I'm lazy to post pictures.. yet i'm quite bored. I'll do the quiz? I was tagged to do ages ago..

According to the rules of the theme, people who are tagged must write 7 weird things about themselves and the choose 7 people to tag. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

No 1. I like to be in the dark. I feel safe and secure when it's dark.. and i can get really HIGH sometimes at night.

No 2. I HATE salted eggs even though i LOVE salty food and i LOVE eggs.

No 3. When i leave nails, i only leave my thumbs.. haha.

No 4. I like to be alone? I' m actually a very sentimental person although i crap and act goofy a lot..

No 5. I like walking in the rain, for no particular reason.. Maybe cuz i think it looks cool.

No 6. I enjoy stoning, only listening to metal or fast songs? I never liked emo and slow songs.

No 7. I like to make silly faces, using my eyes and using stupid expressions

well, that's all. I'm bored.. i go play computer game le.

{you are my light}

I've got a lot of pics to upload so I'm gonna split it into different parts.
I went to Japan for 14 days. So I'll try my best to upload pics on each respective day if time allows me.

DAY 1-2

We didn't really take much pictures as we spent most of the time finding our way to the new and different environment the Japanese lived in.
A modern yet traditional way of lifestyle.

In case you're wondering what this is.. It's a fan, and it's located in the subway trains. I just thought it was unique since the idea of fans was never brought into Singapore's MRT train.

Look at how polished the floor and seats of the train are. Just looking at it makes you feel like sitting on it. I wonder when will Singapore ever reach their standard of cleaniness..

Thought travelling around Singapore was hard? Well, look at the number of stations, and it's only in Tokyo, mind you. We spent most of our time looking for our destination.

Well, we finally found out hotel which was REALLY small, but it was still alright. We then headed out for Tokyo's DisneySea.


In case you're wondering about the difference between DisneyLand and DisneySea.. It's about the same. They're both built on the same island, just that they are separate theme parks.

Disney's Donald duck as a bodyguard?!?! =D

My sister's really excited about DisneySea. Her first time.. Well, it's like my 3rd time i entered Disney places.. So I wasn't that excited. (This is a candid shot by the way)

Ladies.. Can't stop the urge to shop. My sister bought a pink coloured mickey ear muffs. -.-"

Wow, look at that punk old lady! She dyed her hair purple! Cool! She's my idol!

Welcome to DisneySea. This is VolcanoLand.. -.-" (That's the truth..)

We then ate here. At Sebastian's Calypso Kitchen, located in mermaidland. Oh my, i look like a monster here. >.<

Look at that!! Hahaha, so cute! O.o

My parents and my sister all ready for shoe polishing.. -.o"

Can anyone guess the time this was taken? A candy for you as a prize? It's only 5pm plus in Tokyo and its already so dark.. It feels like midnight in Singapore. This is what it's like during winter. Early mornings and nights.

5pm = night time.

Okay, there's much more but i'm real lazy to post them. We visited many rides, and shows. DisneySea is a really cool place to visit. =D.

This was the 3rd day and.. We're all dead beat.

Haha, more to come soon. I gotta go for CCA.

{you are my light}
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
A ring is round and has no end.... and that's how long I'll be your friend.
Everyone hears what you say... Friends listen to what you say...
Best friends listen to what you don't say...
Friends are like stars. You can't always see them, But you know they are always there for you...
What you see as truth, what you see as lies, remember that true friendship never dies although we may change & drift apart, I will always value you deep within my heart!

The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
What do you do when the only one that can make you stop crying, is the person who made you cry?

{you are my light}
Sunday, December 02, 2007
JAPAN TRIP part 1i'm obviously lazy to post abt japan. so just put a few pics la. im going slp le

In Kyoto, its autumn. so maple leaves are EVERYWHERE. they look very beautiful with colours consisting of red, green and yellow.

we went disneysea in tokyo!

my sister acting cute.. well, its my idea anyways.. =X

me acting as a sumo.. cuz i'm puffy and fat from my overcoat. not cute luh. =X

haha, we made a snowman!! It looks like shit though

okay, im tired.. lazy to post pics. bye. zzz

{you are my light}

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