take all of me:

Call me crazy,
Call me mad.
Call me whatever,
I don't really care
This is my paradise,
this is my voice
And if you're kind,
don't deprive me of my choice
I need to express,
so please don't make me suppress
There's always this little red cross
at the top of your screen
Do feel free to click it if you think I'm mean
Because honestly, this is me
And I am free
To do whatever I wish! :D

You were warned.. :P



foo hou
hsieh wen
jian quan
jun yuan
lim xinyi
say yin
say wee
sze hui
sze min
teo xinyi
ting hui
wan xing
yeow boon
yuan jun
yuen man
yuen ping
yun xuan
zhi ming
zhi wen
zi keng
602 04'
MSHS hu dept
NYJC student council

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Avatar 3D

Finally watched Avatar 3D! and it was really awesome!! Although had headaches after that..
The movie was rather nice actually, quite different from how I expected it to be..

Then we went to the ladies' place for mahjong.. Only to find underwear and other disturbing stuff lying all around their rooms... =X
*Shan't blog about that any further*
Ok, afterwards we went to Imperial Treasure Restaurant in Ion for late lunch! =D
Which I should really thank their mother huh, who gave us a treat there xD
Next time can go there eat already, haha
The food there is actually quite nice =D

Yeah laugh, whatever. It was their idea luh.. I'm just an innocent victim >.<
Then headed home after that, cuz I felt unwell and super tired..
So I didn't go to Junxi's house in the end..
But oh wells, I had enough fun for the day! =D

Now, I'm REALLY BROKE... ='(

{you are my light}
Monday, December 28, 2009
I'm broke!


After watching Sherlock Holmes and playing pool with CO ppl on sat, I now have a big hole in my wallet!
But it was really fun though, too bad Chen Lao Shi couldn't stay.. Well, at least we helped her celebrate her birthday. I agree with Chee Chiang, sometimes.. the movie and things we do doesn't matter at all.
It's the company that matters. =)
and I learnt that Suyi is actually quite violent... =x

It was one unforgettable night, especially the PIZZA HUT meal!! haha xD


Looks like my hole just got bigger!!! Went to double CO concerts today, one in Esplanade (PAYCO) and another in SCH (BHCO).. now really broke already... >.<

Even though it was rather awkward.. I actually enjoyed myself.
Thank you Sze Min for inviting me to watch the concert =) even though it's just the two of us..
Next time if you have extra CO tickets can ask me go! haha xD
And if you manage to record your own composed song "The Playground", must remember to send it to me! I know this is the 3rd time I'm saying it! haha xD
Then went together with Shi Wee and her friend to BHCO concert.
Didn't know she went for PAYCO concert, it was such a coincidence that we actually managed to meet.
I guess two CO concerts are too much for me..
Super tired after everything.. But it was fun though =D
Currently cui and broke... >.<

{you are my light}
Friday, December 25, 2009

THANK GOD for being so great to me.. I actually recovered from my illness and was in good condition to perform for RGT (Renewal Got Talent!)

Though SiHui spotted my bloodshot eyes easily... =x
THANK GOD I still had enough energy to perform
Here's a video that my dad took of our performance!

hmmm.. not the best video, but it's the only one I've got now..
We got 2nd!! WOOO!
It was really fun to perform with them!! ^^

More pics on fb! Lazy to upload! To Angie and Yuenman, thanks for coming to our gathering!
Wouldn't be fun without you!

This year has been special, and this Christmas is cool too.. I never expected anyone to get me Christmas presents, but it seems like I got quite a few this time round.
Thank you all who got me Christmas presents ^^
But more importantly, thank you God
for your never-ending and forever lasting love.
That is the greatest gift of ALL in this Christmas!

{you are my light}
Thursday, December 24, 2009
This Christmas Eve

This Christmas eve..
Sebas couldn't book tickets for Avatar 3D
and didn't get the chance to hang out with friends

This Christmas eve..
Sebas stayed home and decided to be a bloody no-life mugger
and finished writing 3 history essays and completed his maths assignment (well, most of it..)

This Christmas eve..
Sebas has fallen ill.. =(
and gotten slight fever and flu..

This Christmas eve..
Sebas spent it alone cuz his parents were out looking for furniture and sister with her friends
and didn't enjoy the feeling of spamming panadols with no one to look after him

This Christmas eve..
Sebas wishes that tomorrow will be better
and that he can get a speedy recovery and perform his best for RGT

{you are my light}
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Destiny @ Paragon

Went to help out in the Destiny performance today.
It was well, fun? ^^
Though I almost went deaf =x
Compared to HongKong's.. Orchard's lighting isn't that bad
Quite pretty actually, took quite a number of pics..
According to Sarah, I seem to have taken home my 'bad habit' of taking random and unglam candid pictures during in HongKong trip.
Even Jimmy said I looked like a tourist... =.=

The rest on fb.. lazy to post.. So damn tired now.. it's like 3am, (ungodly hour..)
looks like tonight's going to be another one of those sleepless nights
To think I even realised that her latest post had the exact same youtube video as the 26th sept post.. (maybe she did it on purpose..?)
zzz.. shit la...
Aiya, whatever luhh, I'll learn to get by, to get over the continunal mental reasoning once more.
On a brighter note!
I'm actually quite excited for tomorrow's RGT rehearsal!! =)
Got my passion to perform after watching Destiny bands play today! haha =D

{you are my light}
Monday, December 21, 2009
Accidentally in love

Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
as I watch the night turn light blue.
I guess life just isn't the same without you.
I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept well in two days
Cause this loneliness
chills me to the bone
Maybe I'll start to think of you
Because when I think of you
I won't feel so alone.. I don't feel so alone
Yes, that's how you make me feel
When I'm in love with you..

Whatever that happens is not by mistake or by chance..
If it's good, it's wonderful!
If it's bad, it's experience.

looks like I'm gonna be real busy this week with Church stuff for Christmas.
I REALLY need to squeeze out some time to do my holiday homework.. or I'm seriously going to like flunk my block test next coming Jan =(
Initially wanted to do some yesterday, but had to attend CCHYCO's concert since I bought the tickets and the concert was rather, well cool. Although it was quite sian to hear them play yao zu.. I'm so damn sick of that song.
Ate seafood after that with NYCO peeps and it was really funny to see Chee Chiang eat his 'sexy' gong gongs, haha
And finally reached home at around 1am...
Tired, but I enjoyed myself..
Maybe if I treasure all the small things in life, I won't feel so sad and wasted =)

I guess no matter what the future holds,
I know God has a plan for me.
Even if sometimes, he doesn't seem to answer my prayers or cries.. I still know that HE loves me, and that there are no such thing as 'mistakes' in his dictionary. HE will provide me with the best, always. =)

Praise the Lord, for He is good!
'For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.'
-Romans 6:23'
'Cast all your worries on the LORD, because He cares for you.' - 1 Peter 5:7
All things work together for good for those that love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28

In God, I've found everything!
This coming Christmas will definitely be a very special one!

{you are my light}
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Humans are forgetful creatures, we forget things that happen a long time ago..
Like how people used to look like, the events that occured, what we wear and carry..
As we grow older, we seem to forget more..
But, there's always one thing humans never seem to forget.
And that's emotions.

Perhaps you could forget about how you spent your time with someone you used to love, or maybe even his name.
But when you meet that someone, somehow you light up because you remember how it felt to love that someone.

Memories of our emotions are locked deep inside our brains.
No matter how much we say we forgot how something feels..
In one way or another, we still do remember.

Humans don't forget emotions.

15th Dec,
It's been a while, 2 years to be exact.
and I still remember..
I still remember how special that day was to me..
how my life lit up and how good it felt..
and how proud I was to have you by my side.

I may have forgotten how I used to spend time with you,
or what we used to chat about

but.. I remember how I always made you laugh just by laughing (cuz you find laughing funny =.=)
and how you got into trouble with your parents cuz you were on the phone for the whole night with me until 4am in the morning.
Oh boy, we sure got into a LOT of trouble..
I remember how fun it was being with you, and I really enjoyed your company =)
I'll never forget how you used to make me feel.

Remember this? heh =)

No matter what life has left for us, just so you know.
I won't forget you, ever.
I tried, and I failed terribly.

After so much that happened, in these two years..
I've learnt to move on, and face my life with courage and optimism.
Thanks for teaching me that =D

God's been totally kind to me,
given me the best of friends
given me good health,
and given me challenges and obstacles for me to scale greater heights.
Maybe one day I can be a vessel of blessings to others, just like how you already have touched me and many others in your life. =)

*yes, I DO read your blog too*

I guess I won't run away anymore!
And I'll try to open myself up to this world once again =)

{you are my light}
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Hedgehog's dilemma

I've been thinking.. Am I a hedgehog? and am I suffering from the Hedgehog's dilemma?

What's a hedgehog? Well, it's an animal with many spines on its back. Hostile on the outside, but very warm and loving inside.

This is a hedgehog

The hedgehog dilemma is an analogy about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs all seek to become close to one another in order to share their heat during cold weather. However, once accomplished, they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp quills. They must step away from one another. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur for reasons which they cannot avoid.

The hedgehog's dilemma suggests that despite goodwill, human intimacy cannot occur without substantial mutual harm, and what results is cautious behavior and weak relationships.
With the hedgehog's dilemma one is recommended to use moderation in the affairs with others both because it is in self-interest, and also out of consideration for others.
Even though a hegdehog may wish to get close to another hedgehog, the closer they get, the more they injure each other with their spines.
Even after so much has happened.. I'm trying to find that distance that I can get closer to other people and yet avoid hurting them too much..
Well, that justifies the introversion I've been enagaging, and why I've locked myself in, maintaining that safe distance so that no one can hurt me, and that I won't hurt anyone as well.

Maybe I'm meant to be a lone ranger all along.
Sigh, it's really tiring to be in solitude...
I don't know why..
but I really miss you.
I miss having someone to talk to late at nights, someone who can make me smile.
It's been so long..

"If you don't cry when you want to, you are not going to smile."
I guess I have to learn how to let my emotions go, and not bottle everything up..
I don't want to run anymore, I want to face my emotions.
I'd rather be emo than to go totally numb, void of emotions..
God, help me.. I hate this feeling!

{you are my light}
Friday, December 04, 2009
Singapore Flyer

I never dreamt that my first time on the flyer would be with my family..
I always thought of going to the Flyer with my girlfriend or lover, it even sort of became my dream and short term goal. heh, so stupid.
Well, I guess that won't be happening anymore..

Anyway, the Singapore Flyer is seriously quite boring luh... Shouldn't have went at night. Can't even see anything..

It's so damn dark inside the compartment la..

Singapore Flyer also put APEC.. =.=

Aiya, lazy post pictures from camera.. Didn't take many anyway.
I really didn't enjoy myself on the Flyer..
Maybe the company matters.... =(
Anyways, after the Flyer, went to church and then to dinner.
Hahaha, at least my cute nephew managed to entertain me. xD
This is Acelie, my 3 and half year old nephew, super cute and super addicted to his DS.
He won't even touch his food cuz it'd mean sacrificing his playing time.

20 mins later...

So I joined him instead ^^

haha, aiya cheap thrill.. but better than no thrill la.

Really sian today.. I've been feeling gloomy the whole day, don't even feel like socializing..

I wonder why... =(

{you are my light}

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