take all of me:

Call me crazy,
Call me mad.
Call me whatever,
I don't really care
This is my paradise,
this is my voice
And if you're kind,
don't deprive me of my choice
I need to express,
so please don't make me suppress
There's always this little red cross
at the top of your screen
Do feel free to click it if you think I'm mean
Because honestly, this is me
And I am free
To do whatever I wish! :D

You were warned.. :P



foo hou
hsieh wen
jian quan
jun yuan
lim xinyi
say yin
say wee
sze hui
sze min
teo xinyi
ting hui
wan xing
yeow boon
yuan jun
yuen man
yuen ping
yun xuan
zhi ming
zhi wen
zi keng
602 04'
MSHS hu dept
NYJC student council

Thursday, January 07, 2010
Cleaning up..

Today I feel accomplished as I've finally managed to get my ass moving to pack my room! =D
Along the way, I found so much stuff, stuff that I thought was gone forever..
One of them is my favourite sketch book! Where I used to draw pictures in it when I was still studying in primary school.. I decided to post some of the 'nicer' ones although they still look ugly.. =x
but hey, I was still in primary school then...

Yeah, that's cloud from FFVII! =)

haha, memories...
Today I learnt that the past and shadow of our lives is very similar to fertilizers.
Fertilizers is very simply put, shit. What kind of shit, I don't know and I don't wanna know.
However, fertilizers are useful and necessary for plants to grow. Without fertilizers, plants won't be able to grow as well.. Thus, we all need fertilizers/shit to grow.

What doesn't kill you really makes you stronger..

{you are my light}
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
New Year Resolutions!

I never seriously thought much about my new year resolutions.. In fact, I think I never even made any serious commitment or any attempt to attain my resolutions..
And I guess what my cell group members said make sense. "If you can't even remember what new year resolution you made, it means you didn't take it seriously, let alone thought about accomplishing it."
I want to make a few new year resolutions, and I want to try my very best to achieve them! =D
*In no particular order*

1) Learn how to be CALM
I'm the guy who panics and freaks out easily everytime something goes wrong. I always get cold feet whenever I'm nervous and I tend to take things TOO seriously.
I want to learn how to let go and let loose. And most importantly, BE CALM
Life is already so fast-paced, I have to learn and force myself to always be calm and take things slow and steady. The tortoise and the hare fable exists for a reason.. To remind us to take life one step at a time, rushing through is not the way to live our lives.
I have to stop being the hare and learn how to be a tortoise: To be Calm and Steady

2) Abolish Schadenfreude
Schadenfreude is defined as satisfaction or pleasure at someone else's misfortune.
This german word derives from Schaden, "adversity, harm", and Freude, "joy".
We are all guilty of it. We feel good when others suffer because we know that there is someone out there in a worst plight than you and it actually gives a certain degree of comfort.
It is arguably human nature, a part of us we can't get rid of. However, I want to get rid of it or at least attempt to. I don't want to be tied down by human intelligence.. I want to see life from God's perspective, from the spiritual realm, where God made everyone to be special.
I know this will be hard.. But I'm willing to try!

3) Be less selfish
I want to be less self-centered this year. To live for helping and serving others is something I haven't tried in a while.
Instead of starting every convo with "I...."
I want to start it with "You.."
Instead of "Let's go to the canteen cuz I'M hungry!"..
I want it to be "Are you guys hungry? Shall we go to the canteen and grab a bite?"
Stop being the attention seeker, and start being a 'true friend'
ok, this is hard too. Since humans are self-centered to begin with, but I'll try!

4) Grow closer to the Lord
I want to be more like him, this year's a very very important year to me. There will be ups and downs. There will be pain and joy. And I know that He has been faithful and has always been by my side. I hope to do the same too; to spend time with him just like how he always stayed with me.


5) Be less shy, and be more vocal
Hopefully, this year.
The 'old me', the wallflower me..
One who does not socialize or participate in activities at social events..
One who stays close to a wall and out of the main area of social activity..
Will be reborn this 2010!
I'm a quiet guy by nature..
But maybe it's time I give myself a proper voice.

Looking back at the pictures I took from the beginning of last year to year end, I know I have changed, in a positive way of course. In both looks and inner self, I am renewed. =D
This year, I'll be new!
New Year, New Life!!

{you are my light}
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
My phone's dead.. Again?

Sigh.. My phone just died today without warning or any reason.
Just hope the warranty can fix up my baby.. =(
So yup,
guess I'm back to w910i AGAIN..

Apart from that, I think I've had a really great time today watching Bodyguards and Assassins!
Might be watching it with my godsisters again next monday!! xD
I really love the way each character come together to protect and fight for their country.
Every character has a different life story, different backgrounds, but they unite under one goal: To defend the future of their homeland.
I love the way how the film takes every opportunity just to remind you who and what these people are fighting for.
and the violence is always awashed with the tragedy, not just thrill.. So that there's an emotional punch to the film, making it not your ordinary action thriller, where you just mindlessly watch blood spew all over the place.

5/5! A must watch film!

And to the idiot who gave up her Aino, Satio, T715 and iPHONE3Gs for a stupid Nokia E63:
I know that you can calculate the area of a bloody heart, IF it doesn't curve at the sides.. bleh! hehe, thanks for agreeing to come out with me, and not pang seh-ing me at the last min! Looks like this teaches me not to take anything for granted.
Anything can happen, and I agree with you..
Today's a great day and a few turn-offs won't kill anyone.
Though my phone's dead....
I can choose to mourn over it and let it ruin my day, or I can choose to be happy that at least my contacts, my music files, my photos are still intact and I still have my old phone available to use.

Life's all about choices.. So I guess I'll have to start on my homework... And start PACKING up my bloody room soon before I move into my new house next week.

Maybe it's time to clean up the mess of my life!

{you are my light}
Sunday, January 03, 2010
happy new year!

It's been an awesome year! And celebrating it has been nothing but fun, fun, fun!!
It was the 1st time I stayover-ed at a girl's house for new year countdown.
slept in the same room somemore.. Did we sleep on the same bed?
Don't think so right? I can't remember...
oops =x
haha but it was fun though!! =D
if you two are reading this, you guys should be honoured k!! haha

Then it was Shumin's 21st birthday chalet!! Happy 21st Godsis!!
Had even MORE fun! Especially when I kept on winning in Mahjong!! haha xD
2 Stayovers in a week is seriously OVERKILL...

Then we went to Marina Barrage to fly kites and take jump shots also!! haha
fun, fun FUN!
Really love the view there!!



me and sihui, my other godsis! =D

The 'supposedly' wedding shot =.=..
But I like this picture though. Very nice colour scheme
Aiyah, lazy to post pictures already..
Rest on fb..

Happy 2010!!

{you are my light}

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